Last time, we looked at some of the compromises that some elements the Church is making with non-Christian faiths –even with Paganism. It is from this last area that we will jump off from today. (Thanks & recognition must go to Vigilant Citizen for their research.)
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.” (2Tim 4:3-4)
The Cathedral Church of St John the Divine in New York City is one of the largest churches in the world and serves as the seat of the Episcopal Diocese there. It is a massive structure; imposing and significant in it’s architectural symbolism. And that is where we’ll begin. Because you see, some of those symbols built right into the building – are anything but Christian. One of the first things you see when looking at the structure is the Illuminati Pyramid and the All Seeing Eye of Horus perched just above the main entrance. So already: Hints of paganism. Next, we move to the west side of the building. It is there that we encounter something very strange – and prophetic. Sculpted unto two of the columns are scenes representing the destruction of New York City. These were completed in 1997, four years before the attack of 911. Yet one depicts the collapse of the Twin Towers. Also definitively defined on this column are the Chrysler Building and the Citigroup building. It is informative that an article in Masonic Magazine published in 1925 proudly claimed Masonic involvement in the construction of the cathedral. Is this further destruction to be understood as a Masonic prophecy of what is to come? If so, we must look to the twin of this particular column to understand the extent of the intended destruction. In this second example we see carved a workup of the Brooklyn Bridge, buckling and collapsing, with vehicles tumbling into the roiling waters below, a sinking Statue of Liberty and a mock up of the New York Stock Exchange building. A 2009 article in Vigilant Citizen offers its explanation of the meaning of the strange depictions.
“So, what is the purpose of this weird carving? Well, the first thing that needs to be mentioned is the actual St. John the Divine is credited for writing the Book of Revelation in the Bible, which describes in symbolic imagery the events of the apocalypse. Occultists believe that the Book of Revelation has been hermetically coded to reveal its true meaning to the initiates of esoteric teachings. This scene, carved on the west entrance of the cathedral, depicts New York as being ‘Babylon the Great,’ the city which gets completely destroyed by the wrath of God.” This is a reference of course to Revelation 18. It’s as if the Masons / PTB were signaling that they were indeed engineering the coming of the New World Order which they seek – and that New York is to be the ‘Fallen’ Babylon written of in the Book of Revelation. “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons…For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.” (Revelation 18:2-3)[i]
Well things at the Cathedral of St John the Divine go downhill from there. The grounds are strewn with pagan statues; Halloween is celebrated with a “Procession of the Ghouls.” And the famous New Age musician, Paul Winter performs a Winter Solstice celebration there. But the most egregious act may be its ties to something called the Temple of Understanding. Now remember, St John’s bills itself as an Episcopalian church. The last time I checked they still claimed to be a Christian denomination. Yet here is an interesting statement found on the official website of the Temple of Understanding that reveals the agenda behind their façade of tolerance. “We educate youth and adults both cross culturally and inter-religiously for global citizenship and peaceful coexistence; advocate for acceptance and respect for religious pluralism by the worlds governing bodies; and actively continue to promote justice and tolerance.”[ii]
Perhaps more damning are the circumstances of its birth. The Temple serves as a “more distanced front group” for the Lucis Trust – which had once been the Lucifer Trust; a group founded by Alice Bailey in 1922 to promote the occult agenda of Theosophy. Now both the Lucis Trust and the Temple of Understanding are officially recognized by the United Nations as NGOs and have offices there. The Temple of Understanding has had many influential supporters and friends over the years. The Vigilant Citizen describes it as “an interfaith effort to steer away people from traditional religions to a hybrid kind of spirituality based on New Age philosophies, Neo-Paganism and a mix of organized religions’ traditions. The ‘friends’ who have assisted the founder Juliet Hollister include John D. Rockefeller II, the XIV Dalai Lama, Pope John XXIII, Eleanor Roosevelt, UN Secretary-General U Thant, International Planned Parenthood and the Jewish Theological Seminary.”[iii] This is confirmed by New Age proponent Jean Houston in her book Trojan Horse. “The Temple’s purpose is to facilitate the one world religion, through promoting both the acceptance and the embrace of all religions, beliefs and rituals. The Temple of Understanding’s Meditation Room was to be known as the ‘Hall of Illumination’ where the Illuminati, Masters of Wisdom, Our Leaders of the Temple of Understanding will train the public in the new humanistic cult…to create a new type of mystic”[iv] [Thanks for telling us plainly, Jean!] So taking them all at their own words: We must understand that they are ‘all about’ building a New World Order replete with a Universal New World Order Church that will educate ‘global citizens’ to be loyal and faithful to the New World Order government. Ah yes, just what the Bible tells us will be the case under the auspices of the Antichrist’s regime!
The Cathedral has also had a long relationship with something called Lindesfarne. It is through that organization that the church has been involved in the promotion of the occult; primarily through witchcraft. Here’s this from an article entitled The Real History of Satanism published in Rense. “In the United States, WICCA’s outstanding sponsor is the New York Anglican (Episcopal) diocese, under Bishop Paul Moore. Officially, New York’s Anglican Cathedral of St. John the Divine has promoted the spread of WICCA witchery through its Lindisfarne center….the crypt of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, is the headquarters for solemn ceremonies of the British (Venerable) Order of Malta. Key figures, such as Gregory Bateson’s former spouse, Dame Margaret Mead, associated with that British order, have been associated with projects in support of the Satanist ‘Age of Aquarius’ cause.”[v] St John’s is not shy about this connection. It has even opened its pulpit to Phyllis Curott, a Wiccan priestess, who heads one of the oldest Wiccan congregations in the United States.[vi]
Lindesfarne, by the way, is a financial beneficiary of the Rockefeller Foundation. Among its faculty is New Ager and Luciferian, David Spangler. His philosophy closely echoes that expressed by the highest levels of Freemasonry, wherein Lucifer is the god that is openly worshipped over the God of the Bible, Adonai. Here’s Spangler waxing darkly and somewhat poetic. “Lucifer, like Christ, stands at the door of man’s consciousness and knocks. If man says, ‘Go away because I do not like what you represent, I am afraid of you,’ Lucifer will play tricks on that fellow. If man says, ‘Come in, and I will give to you the treat of my love and understanding and I will uplift you in the light and presence of the Christ, my outflow,’ then Lucifer becomes something else again. He becomes the being who carries that great treat, the ultimate treat, the light of wisdom.”[vii] [viii] And thus there is that connection in all of this to the original temptation offered to Eve in the Garden; to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
A Prophetic Airport ?
This vision of a violent birthing of a New World Order can be seen in other venues too. I’m specifically talking about the Denver International Airport. There’s something going on there that defies easy explanation…yet may not quite reach the level of some of the hyper-conspiracies that attempt to explain it. Here’s what we do know. It was built in 1994 on 34,000 acres. It is consistently rumored to have massive underground facilities that can accommodate a great number of people in the case of catastrophic emergency. Don’t know if that’s true – though it does have a giant tunneling system – most of which is not currently in use. And it does have some really crazy…as in spooky…art work. Visitors are greeted by a giant Horse of the Apocalypse with glowing red eyes. There is a Masonic Capstone with a dedication that credits the New World Airport Commission. Thus, one writer concludes that since said commission does not in reality exist, “it most likely refers to the New World Order.” Coincidentally that is located in the terminal’s ‘Great Hall’, the same name used by Masonic Temples for their meeting halls wherein they perform their dark occultic rites.[ix]
Then there are the murals. There are three that we’ll mention – each creepier than the next. Now the artist, Tanguma, claims that his artwork are ‘painted sermons’ advocating the virtues of the poor and the evils of greed and violence. The first is called ‘Peace and Harmony with Nature’. It depicts children sadly looking at animal species that are dying off; headed toward extinction. At the bottom are three coffins with three racially distinct children lying in them. In one lies a blonde haired white girl wearing a yellow Star of David and clutching a Bible with an emblazoned Cross.
The Vigilant Citizen article suggests that it symbolizes “the death of Judeo-Christian beliefs.” In the background we find both a city and a forest are on fire. A second painting called Children of the World Dream of Peace, shows “Children of all colors, dressed in folkloric costumes give weapons wrapped in their country’s national flag to a… German boy” dressed in a Bavarian costume. The artist says that this is showing the world coming together. The last one is the darkest of all.
It features “children sleeping on piles of bricks, a line of mourning women in rags with dead babies, limp in their arms. A huge, looming military figure in a gas mask brandishes a sword and machine gun. Part of an actual note written by a child interred in a Nazi death camp. Strange words embedded in the floor with no explanation about what they mean.” The sword shown in the picture is actually a scimitar; a style of sword used in Islam and a symbol found in Freemasonry. The military figure is stabbing a dove – the symbol of peace…and the Holy Spirit – with its’ bayonet.[x] [xi] Is there a message here? Perhaps! If there is it may be the same one communicated on the columns of the Cathedral of St John the Divine. You be the judge.
[i]Sinister Sites – St. John The Divine Cathedral, Vigilant Citizen, February 13, 2009
[ii] From the official website of the Temple of Understanding,,
Viewed November 9, 2011
[iii] Sinister Sites – St. John The Divine Cathedral, Vigilant Citizen, February 13, 2009
[iv] Hidden history explained. *-1-*, wemustknow.koen, September 28, 2010
[v] Lyndon LaRouche, The Real History of Satanism, Rense, January 17, 2005
[vi], viewed November 9, 2011
[vii] The Aspen Institute, One World Religion, Terrorism And The Illuminati, viewed November 9, 2011
[viii] Norman A Geisler, The New Age Movement, Dallas Theological Seminary, Bibliotheca Sacra, January 1987
[ix] Sinister Sites – The Denver International Airport, Vigilant Citizen, November 27, 2008
[x] Jared Jacang Maher, DIA Conspiracies Take Off, Denver Westward News, August 30, 2007
[xi] Denver Airport,, viewed November 9, 2011
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