Last issue we visited the Cathedral of St John the Divine, seat of the Episcopal Diocese of New York. In the process we catalogued some of the tortured philosophical / religious connections held by that body as it wandered into full fledged heretical relationships with the New Age and the occult. We looked at some of its ‘prophetic’ architecture and noted its’ propinquity with one David Spangler – who is immersed in – and – convinced of – the truth of Luciferian doctrine. And that’s our jumping off point for PART III; the dark and purposeful program of the New Age.
“The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” (2Thessalonians 2:9-10)
Scripture tells us that there is a man coming who will be the embodiment of wickedness. He will exercise what the people of the world will see as real spiritual power…but it will be based in lies. This future ‘Christ’ poseur will amass a giant following among those who “did not receive the love of the truth.” It is a scary thing indeed!
The New Age is selling a Lie! It is a big Lie and to those that buy into it, it bequeaths the putrefaction of death, spiritual blindness…and eventual and certain destruction. Following are some of the lyrics of a song from my youth. It was popularized by a group called the Fifth Dimension. It’s called ‘The Age of Aquarius’ and it talks about the New Age that is dawning on planet earth – especially for the ‘spiritually enlightened’.
“When the moon is in the Seventh House – And Jupiter aligns with Mars – Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars – This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius”[i]
Ah, what a picture of peace and love and goodwill! Ahhh, what a load of crap! Here’s one, Ted J Rucker, a New Age adherent explaining just how we are entering this New Age; this Age of Aquarius. “A great change is upon us, ‘the end of the world’ is the phrase used in the Bible. We have come to understand that this [is] not some vision or warning of a great, horrifying apocalypse, or even of Judgment Day. This great and ordered change in the energies available to us is the next step in humanity’s evolution. The Age of Pisces in which the great world Savior, Christ, arrived, will come to an end. With the arrival of the Aquarian Age, humanity begins its ‘entrance into heaven’ – the Spiritual Kingdom….[through] the fusion or blending of soul and form to produce the incarnate Christ in all.”[ii] You see, it is never enough for the New Age to present their own distorted version of reality. In the process they must without fail, adapt Christian language and distort the Truth of the Gospel message. So gone is the Apocalypse and Judgment Day…and in its place…well we should all just realize our own divinity.
So how are we to achieve this astounding transformation? Well it is through the good offices of ‘The Christ’. He will teach us to live in peace and harmony with each other. In addition, he will establish a New World Order that will exercise global control over the economy – including food and water distribution. But if you’re thinking that these folks may be a little ‘uber-visionary’ but basically harmless: You would be wrong. They are a dangerous bunch indeed.
What the New Age Movement really is – is a global network of cooperating organizations engaged in setting up a New World Order. They are deeply steeped in the occult and connected to Freemasonry, Illuminism, Theosophy and a myriad network of darkly occult offshoots. The Movement can boast Black Magic witches and wiccans, shamans and witchdoctors – Hindus and Neo-Pagans among its adherents and fellow travelers. At its highest levels it seeks the Masonic Christ. The controlling element of this Movement is steeped in the higher degrees and doctrines of the Freemasons. Helena Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophical Society, and her disciple Alice Bailey, wrote extensively regarding their goals. They both admittedly received their ‘enlightenment’ – their doctrine, from spirit beings. We know them as demons. It is clear that they – and the movement they guide – seeks the very destruction of all the monotheistic faiths; Islam, Judaism and Christianity.[iii] They mean to achieve their ends through any means necessary; even lethal violence, if necessary. The overriding goal is a world that gives allegiance in every facet – political, economic and religious – to the god of this world – Lord Satan. These are the words of David Spangler, Director of the Planetary Initiative for the United Nations, with his connection to the ‘Christian’ church, St John the Divine, speaking of our entry into the planned coming World Order: “No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.” That’s the quote that really got my attention. You see, they do teach a ‘Christ’. But it is one of their own making.
Who Is This Guy?
While the New Age Christ is most definitely ‘different things for different people’: We can probably draw a pretty accurate picture by looking at the beliefs of Theosophy and its offshoots. Theosophy was founded in 1875 by Madame Blavatsky, who leaned on her ‘spirit guides’ (demons) for esoteric wisdom. Ron Rhodes fleshes out the expected characteristics of this Christ-figure in his series: The Christ of the New Age Movement.
For one thing, he certainly is not the Jesus of the Gospels. In fact, he “fits nicely” with “Buddha, Krishna and other ‘holy men.’ This Christ is broad-minded and nonjudgmental. He is a ‘Master’ among ‘Masters,’ who – with the others – is leading the human race into a New Age of enlightenment and harmony.” To Blavatsky’s followers: He is a Supreme World Teacher. The Christ, however, is an Office rather than an individual. In fact, through the ages he has come in multiple incarnations. “These include “Buddha (in India), Hermes (in Egypt), Zoroaster (in Persia), Orpheus (in Greece), and Jesus (at the River Jordan, where the Christ came upon Jesus at His baptism).”[iv] And Jesus’ death on the Cross, if accepted at all, should never be understood as serving for a payment for Man’s sins. You see, all of mankind can serve as an acceptable vessel for the Christ. We are all somehow ‘divine.’ Theosophy teaches that “each human being evolves through seven planes of existence (the physical plane, the astral plane, the mental plane, etc.). Each plane a person evolves through brings him or her ever closer to union with the Absolute (God). Theosophists reason that this process can take a very long time, hence requiring innumerable reincarnations.”[v]
Now it gets even stranger than that. Blavatsky’s disciple Alice Bailey, who took over the movement, taught that there is an evolutionary process going on here. Eventually, the Ascended Masters – those humans who had achieved that level of spiritual perfection in order to qualify – would draw so close to a spiritually evolving humanity that they will physically appear. A Christ figure will manifest itself when certain conditions are met. These include: “(1) catastrophic planetary conditions; (2) a spiritual awakening; and (3) a steadily mounting invocative prayer. This last condition involves use of The Great Invocation, a prayer which is intended to speed the reappearance of the Christ.” Thus Rhodes tells us that they believe that the “Second Coming will be a single Avatar” but also “mystically manifested in humanity.” Spangler explains: “Any old Christ will not do, not if we need to show that we have something better than the mainstream Christian traditions. It must be a cosmic Christ, a universal Christ, a New Age Christ.”[vi] This is not Jesus, the mystical Savior of the World, but rather a World Teacher. To the New Age mind he will be “a cosmic principle, a spiritual presence whose quality infuses and appears in various ways in all the religions and philosophies that uplift humanity and seek unity with spirit.”[vii] [viii]
And The Weird Gets Weirder
But that’s not the end of the strangeness. In order to go forward we’ve got to define something called the ‘Akashic Records’. The idea originated in India in 19th century Hindu thought. It kind of takes in the notion of ether-like substance that surrounds the earth and permeates the universe. Wikipedia describes it as “a term used in theosophy (and Anthroposophy) to describe a compendium of mystical knowledge encoded in a non-physical plane of existence. These records are described as containing all knowledge of human experience and the history of the cosmos.”[ix] And now get this: You can only access this library of the mind of God through techniques like astral projection (out of body experiences), hypnosis – and other forms of demon-induced states. So it seems, in this worldview, that the Christ Consciousness left Jesus at the time of the Crucifixion and now resides in this ether that surrounds the earth.
And so there is extant, one of those ‘other gospels’ of Christ, that purports to present a Jesus in line with those views. In 1908, Levi H Dowling wrote The Aquarian Age Gospel of Jesus, the Christ of the Piscean Age, a book he claims to have downloaded from the ether or Akashic Record. This Jesus imposter goes on like an all-in New Ager with Hindu overtones. The book is replete with the doctrine of reincarnation and the soul’s ‘journey back to God.’ Jumping up to today we find the connection through our friend David Spangler. Spangler believes that the New Age Christ is right now “incarnating into humanity from the etheric realm.”[x] [xi] And so, in a very sick sense, he may be. Conditions are indeed ripe for the rise of Antichrist.
[i] From the 1967 Musical ‘Hair’, Performed by the Fifth Dimension
[ii] Ted J Rucker, The Transition of Ages ~ Pisces to Aquarius,, viewed November 11, 2011
[iii] Dr Dale A Robbins, The New Age Movement: What Christians Should Know, Victorious, viewed November 11, 2011
[iv] HP Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1966), 168-89 as quoted by: Ron Rhodes,
The Christ of the New Age Movement, viewed November 11, 2011
[v] Ron Rhodes, The Christ of the New Age Movement, viewed November 11, 2011
[vi] David Spangler, Reflections on the Christ, Forres, Scotland: Findhorn Publications, 1981, pg 107
[vii] David Spangler, Conversations with John Middleton, WI, Lorian Press, 1983, pg 5
[viii] Much of this section must be credited to the fine scholarship of: Ron Rhodes, The Christ of the New Age Movement,
viewed November 11, 2011
[ix] Wikipedia: The akashic records, viewed November 11, 2011
[x] Levi H Dowling, The Aquarian Age Gospel of Jesus, the Christ of the Piscean Age, The Reluctant Messenger,
originally published in 1908
[xi] Spangler, Reflections on the Christ, 1981, pg 86: Taken from: Ron Rhodes, The Christ of the New Age Movement,
viewed November 11, 2011
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