I don’t generally engage in this type of story but we’re going to make an exception. In the last week or so warnings have surfaced on FOX News and other news outlets that point to a planned terror attack of massive scope – at multiple locations – to be carried out by ISIS – possibly on this year’s 9/11 anniversary. On Saturday August 23rd, retired Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney was being interviewed on FOX News. Citing the very real current threat from ISIS, McInerney told the FOX audience: “On the seventh of September, a major news network and publishing network are going to put out a book. It is going to be earth shattering of what’s happening and what happened. The fact is we may even see a 9/11/14 MH-370 surface again. We should go to DEFCON 1, our highest state of readiness and be prepared as we lead up to 9/11.”[i]
On the surface this may seem like mere fear mongering, but General McInerney is connected and has some highly placed private sources. More significantly, his warning dovetails nicely with an earlier one from Dr Jim Garrow. As NTEB reported, it was Jim Garrow that “claimed he was told by a top military veteran that the Obama administration’s ‘litmus test’ for new military leaders is whether or not they will obey an order to fire on U.S. citizens.” It is believed that Garrow spent decades as a CIA operative. So it was his warning issued on Facebook this past July that draws the connective line with McInerney’s statements. Here’s what Garrow wrote on his page at that time. “The target will be shopping malls. The method will be with explosive devices meant to inflict suffering and death and to wound as many as possible. This is terrorism in its lowest form. The purpose is to inflict fear in the hearts of Americans through this targeting of where we go to shop and relax. The date will be a significant one for the Islamists. The event will happen simultaneously across America at hundreds of locations (note the number). The police, DHS, and security services throughout the nation should be warned and take appropriate action.” Having said that it will occur on a date that will be “important for Islamists,” many are drawing the conclusion that the target date is September 11, 2014.[ii]
OK, so so-far we’ve got a couple of right wing nut jobs talking about something that didn’t happen. But not so fast! There’s a bit of meat on these bones. First there the statement by the former Deputy Director of the CIA, Mike Morrell. Morrell told CBS News: “The short-term concern is the Americans that have gone to fight with ISIS and the west Europeans that have gone to fight with ISIS could be trained and directed by ISIS to come to the United States to conduct small-scale attacks. If an ISIS member showed up at a mall in the United States tomorrow with an AK-47 and killed a number of Americans, I would not be surprised.”[iii] It’s interesting that Morrell referenced the exact same scenario as Dr Garrow. Writing in the All News Pipeline, Susan Duclos ties it all together with this fact. Since Garrow’s July warning, the FBI began game planning and training for just such a scenario. On August 17th they conducted an exercise known as INDYMALLEX, taking on the logistics of a terrorist mall attack. The Indiana-based event was not the only one. It was in fact the “the capstone exercise of a series of similar drills across the country. The FBI said it’s larger and more complex than the earlier exercises.”[iv]
But the mall attacks aren’t the only scenario on the Islamist agenda. There is a threat that goes back at least a half-dozen years or so. That is a mass casualty attack against our schools. They’ve already warned us that they have this in mind. Lt Colonel Dave Grossman and Todd Rassa are anti-terrorism trainers for police and other first responders. A few years back an article by the Killology Research Group detailed their intentions. “Al-Qaeda has publicly asserted the “right” to kill 2,000,000 American children, Rassa explained, and has warned that ‘operations are in stages of preparation’ now. He played vivid videotapes confiscated in Afghanistan, showing al-Qaeda terrorists practicing the takeover of a school. The trainees issue commands in English, rehearse separating youngsters into manageable groups and meeting any resistance with violence. Some ‘hostages’ are taken to the rooftop, dangled over the edge, then ‘shot.’ ‘Any place that has given [Islamic terrorists] trouble, they’ve come after the kids,’ Grossman said. Muslim religious literature, according to Rassa, states clearly that the killing of children not only is ‘permitted’ in Islam but is ‘approved’ by Mohammed, so long as the perpetrators ‘are striving for the general good’ as interpreted by that religion. He cited instances in Indonesia where girls on their way to school have been beheaded and in other countries where children have been shot, mutilated, raped or burned alive….Rassa claimed that floor plans for half a dozen schools in Virginia, Texas and New Jersey have been recovered from terrorist hands in Iraq.”[v] We cannot know for certain whether these attacks are on their way or not. However, the Federal Government is concerned enough about the possibility to put plans in place to deal with such an event. That alone should speak for something.
[i]RET USAF GENERAL WARNS OF POSSIBLE 9/11/14 COMING, Breitbart, August 23, 2014
[iii] Former CIA deputy director on what it will take to stop ISIS terror group, CBS News, August 21, 2014
[iv] Susan Duclos, INDYMALLEX “Drill” Set For August 17 – Remember Jim Garrow’s Warnings?, All News Pipeline, August 17, 2014
[v] Chuck Remsberg, Mass Slaughter In Our Schools: The Terrorists’ Chilling Plan?, Killology Research Group, January 5, 2007
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