If we are being visited by beings from other dimensions
There must be points of entrance
First of all let us get it through our heads that the phenomena are real. Heer’s a starting point from Steve Quayle’s film Earth in the Crosshairs. There were 277 million UFO sightings, 180K unexplained orbs, 380K unidentified submerged objects – and 459K stargates. Now, many still dismiss these sightings out of hand. And they certainly reject the idea that there are stargates or entry points from other dimensions. But these doorways to other dimensions have a biblical basis. In Genesis 6 we read of Fallen Angels who have left their domain to enter the earth and copulate with women. In Genesis, Jacob was given a picture an entry point between the earthly and heavenly realms. “Jacob left Beersheba and went toward Haran. And he came to a certain place and stayed there that night, because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones of the place, he put it under his head and lay down in that place to sleep. And he dreamed, and behold, there was a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven. And behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it! And behold, the Lord stood above it.” (Genesis 28:10-13) (ESV)

So, you have spirals in the sky. These are signs that connect our present world with the ancient pagan religions. Researcher Williiam Henry is quoted in the movie. “The spiral is a “symbol for a gateway to other realms…..We see spirals on rock all over the world going back many thousands of years. And when we see the spiral it represents a portal or a gateway. What they also represent sound or vibration, an important attribute of the stargate technology of the ancients. There is a clear belief that sound – or perhaps chanting – or other sounds can be used to open these portals and gateways…. (Spirals) puts us into the language of these stargate travelers.” None of this would not be possible without America’s slide away from God and toward occult values. The statue of Baphomet has appeared in the American public square. Abortion has exploded as a religious ceremony. We are seeing demonic possession increase. The Gates of Hell are being released into our dimension. We have to understand that Lucifer wants to destroy all of humanity. And that is the game that will be played during the Tribulation.
What we are talking about a trans-dimensional invasion. One Pentagon Insider described it as, “The ancient Sumerian gods are returning!” Astrophysicist Travis Taylor explains what we are looking at. “These phenomena are quantum physical in nature. Consciousness is quantum physical in nature. Your brain is like a quantum computer. And reality is some super position of all these computers reacting with each other. And since quantum physics does happen across the Universe continuously, it makes sense that things happening at Skinwalker Ranch might be connected to things happening say in Sidona, or Denver, or pick your place where weird stuff is happening. They could all verry well be connected. And here’s the other thing….I’m talking right now about things in space. Quantum physics, we know now, is across time, instantaneously. I don’t mean into the future. I mean all of time. Your future does influence your past…..So, we don’t know what these phenomena are or when or where they came from.” Steve Quayle maybe simplifies that a little. “Stargates and portals lead to different dimensions. And they also lead to different areas of space. Portals enter into the spirit dimension and the spirit world.”

Over the centuries, some Native Americans have developed a very close relationship with the other side. Clifford Mahooty is a Zuni Pueblo Elder. He describes the direct access they have. “When you go into Indian country, there are so many different places, what they call sacred areas. The different Pueblo People, they have their own, you want to call them stargates. That’s where they go and they talk directly to the other beings from different dimensions. We call them ‘Spirit People.’” Marcellus Medina is another tribal leader. “Any person that asks for permission to their gods and to the spirit, the spirit world, as we call it, these stargates can be opened up through prayers, through sacrifice, making of potteries, a whistle. These instruments were used to open up these stargates. These doorways, dimensional spirals were opened.”
The Native Americans know they are speaking to a disembodied race of giants. We’re talking about the Nephilim. They describe specific seasons when the portals open. These Giants then speak to them through another dimension, telling them the future. A Zuni elder told Quayle that he knew that 911 was coming. He had been shown a vision of that event. Now, the US Military has been acquiring ancient Native American sacred sites. Even the Pentagon is aware of their strategic potential.
Here’s how Steve Quayle sums it up. “We’re watching real time evidence of this phenomenon accelerating. The Fallen Angels end game, whether you want to accept the fact they’re aliens from other planets or interdimensional beings from the spiritual world. That’s another dimension, separate and distinct from our physical world. The end game, is that the greatest deception in mankind’s history is coming into play. When it comes to the belief of the common man. They believe that the aliens created them and that the aliens are coming back. The Prometheus Factor, if you will….We’re just beginning to see the advanced guard of the total alien infestation of planet earth.”[i] [ii] HERE IS THE LINK to the DVD EARTH IN THE CROSSHAIRS
[i] Steve Quayle & Daniel Holdings, Earth In The Crosshairs, viewed January 7, 2025
[ii] Steve Quayle interviewed by Gary Stearman, The Week In Biblical Prophecy, December 30, 2024
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