The hunt for nukes is still a story….But is it just ‘a story?’
“The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” (2Thessalonians 2:9-12) (ESV)

The government says it’s nothing at all. Basically: ‘It ain’t us – and no, we don’t know what it is….But don’t worry, it’s safe.’ The other scenario from several sources is that they are looking for nukes. ‘You know, there are a lot of missing nukes, suitcase nukes and dirty bombs out there, some of them dating all the way back to the fall of the Soviet Union.’ So, in that scenario, there are a couple on the loose. Radiation levels have spiked in areas of New Jersey near New York City and the drones are part of the team that is looking for them. Perhaps there’s truth there. But former FBI agent, John DeSouza – who actually dealt with these things for the Bureau, puts the kibosh on that theory. “We have WMD teams. And none of them have been activated.” DeSouza points to something much more sinister. It is part of the plan to launch the New World Order Global Government. And Steve Quayle offers evidence that there is a spiritual angle to all of this that connects what is happening to the demonic and the rise of Antichrist.
Let’s start the story with Cliff High, a computer scientist and linguistic expert who pioneered the field of Predictive Linguistics. Ever hear of Web Bots. High’s Web Bots analyze giant swathes of internet data “to predict future language about future events, due to the nature of humans.”[i] So, go back to 2009 where High is doing an interview with Joe Rogan. He tells Rogan – and remember this is 2009, way before Trump came down the elevator – that about 39 weeks after President Trump interviews with Rogan – in some future time, a UFO War will begin in the sky. That would take it to December 3rd. So yeah, he missed it by a couple of weeks….but otherwise….I mean, all the way back to 2009….

Then in an interview on Redacted, John DeSouza told Clayton Morris about what Werner von Braun had to say in the 1970s. Von Braun, the rocket scientist, predicted the ‘World Cabal’ had a plan to gain control over all the nations of the earth. They needed several conflicts to move the needle toward global unity.
They had three major conflicts in mind.
- Communism v The Free World [Check]
- Islam v The West [Check]
- “The Last Card,” An Alien Invasion[ii]
That is interesting, because that is just the same plan outlined in the letter Masonic Satanist Albert Pike wrote to the Italian revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini in 1871. That letter actually predicted three world wars, 43 years before the outbreak of the First World War – and it gave the general cause and result of World Wars I & II. Henry Kissinger also wrote of a threat seemingly coming from another galaxy that would be used to unite the world. Here is the purported quote, which was supposed to have been uttered at a Bilderberg meeting in Evian France in 1991. “Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.”[iii]
De Souza lays out his take on the phenomenon of the drones and such, quite plainly. The Cabal is engineering a “fake military threat from outer space.” This is the stepchild of the Military Industrial Complex, however more international thnt American / national. This is a tool they are using to unify the entire world. They want a One World Government….Just like the one the Antichrist is prophesied to usher in. The former FBI Agent warns that they are planning a mass casualty event. But it could be a “slow kill,” something like a pandemic.[iv]
Writing in Natural News, SD Wells believes he’s got this figured out. Here’s the headline. DRONE PSYOP SOLVED: Chinese drones from light show in September used by Biden Regime to control American thoughts and create anti-religious alien-invasion “narrative” His reasoning follows much the same narrative as the Kissinger quote.
“The current focus on alien and drone-related phenomena is part of a manufactured psyop to influence beliefs, divert attention, and shape global reactions according to political and globalist agendas….A ‘psyop’ is a military action considered to be psychological warfare that aims to influence the perceptions and attitudes of the populace in order to coerce them to act in a desired way….The current focus on alien and drone-related phenomena is part of a manufactured psyop to influence beliefs, divert attention, and shape global reactions according to political and globalist agendas….A ‘psyop’ is a military action considered to be psychological warfare that aims to influence the perceptions and attitudes of the populace in order to coerce them to act in a desired way;”

Now, this crazy story gets even crazier. DeSouza tells us there is a book, produced by the Pentagon, in which the UFOs or now UAPs – are referred to as “plasmas.”[vi] We are not just talking about drones here. There is something else entirely. While the drone fleets have been spotted – and concentrating on military facilities, there are other sightings, people are describing as orbs. Orbs appear to be balls of light. Those involved in the paranormal will tell you yes, they are balls of light, electromagnetic energy fields or angelic energy.[vii] Some, people have even interacted with them. They are showing up seemingly accompanying – or at least complementing – the drone incursions. They are able to change shape and like some of the drone phenomenon – defy the laws of physics. Some of the drones, seem to take on some of the properties of the orbs.
DeSouza showed a video of someone shooting at a drone with tracer ammo. Some rounds were seemingly hitting the target. The craft had some kind of shielding that made it impervious to the strikes. He explained. “The UFOs are barely metallic.” He described them as being composed of “gaseous light.” He spoke of the “Cabal” copying the technologies of the real orbs, ones coming from another dimension. DeSouza says the orbs can communicate with – and have been witnessed – communicating with humans. “They are actually alive.” They are essentially alien visitors, not necessarily from another planet, but rather from another dimension. They are involved in what he called “Soul Printing,” the capturing of souls. He says they “can maintain their physicality for [only] a short time.”
There are many biblical accounts of angels – both God’s messengers & Satan’s minions – being able to physically manifest in the earthly realm. Genesis 6:4 tells us how some of the Fallen Angels or “sons of God [B’nai ha Elohim] came in to the daughters of mankind, and they bore children to them.” (NASB) That union produced the Nephilim or giants. And 2Corinthians 11:14, tells us “Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.” (NKJV)
But here’s where it gets interesting. If we are to believe John DeSouza, the orbs and drones are humanly produced – but by copying alien or demonic technology. This is not as strange as it might seem. We know that beginning in the 1950s, the Pentagon, through its’ DARPA program was messing around with the paranormal and such things as the purely occultic remote viewing. We know that Hitler’s Germany was connected to the occult and attempting, possibly somewhat successfully, to harness dark technologies to win World War II. DeSouza says the orbs were made by companies that make up the military industrial complex. He names Skunkworks, McDonnel-Douglas and Raytheon among them. “They copied the technology to make plasmas and orbs. They work directly for the Cabal.” He says, “We have confirmed a crash recovery program.” That’s how they get hold of the technology for re-engineering.

But the Cabal is NOT the US Government. Their goal is the establishment of a One World Government. One of their sub-goals is to stop the inauguration of President Trump. A major drone invasion, for instance, if it was believed to be from other worlds, would trigger the take over of the government by NORAD – (North American Aerospace Defense Command) – which would assume command in a national emergency of that nature. DeSouza, says that the US Military has been commanded to stand down by the globalist forces of the Cabal. [Even as I write this, I can see that it seems ludicrously far-fetched. And then I recall that that is exactly what is happening.]
Ufologist Dr Stephen Greer, believes that these orbs and drones are not ‘American’ in origin. Back in September, there was talk of a “fake alien invasion” that would take place after the election. DeSouza was making the same prediction a year ago – on Redacted. Greer says it is part of a 75 year-old strategic plan.[viii]
That falls right in line with the Globalist’s self-revealed blueprint as laid out in Peter Lemsurier’s 1981 book, The Armageddon Script. Here’s the plan as I summarized it in my now out of print book, The History of the Future.
- Arab Israeli War – Israel wins an annihilating victory, fulfilling may Biblical prophecies.
- Catastrophic Terror – Major terror attacks against the US & Europe using WMDs.
- Nuclear Crisis In Korea – Lemesurier writes, “A hair raising nuclear confrontation in Korea may, towards the end of the period, threaten man’s very survival.”
- Taiwan Invasion – China uses the fact that the S. is occupied on two fronts to invade Taiwan, challenging the already stretched American Naval forces in the region.
- Alien Presence – Extraterrestrials manifest a presence that leads to the collapse of the religious beliefs of many around the globe. [Artificial or demonic in nature.] Here are the words of Bill Lambert as quoted by David Bay of Cutting Edge Ministries. “UFO’s and Aliens are part of the New World Order. They are benevolent beings which will aid mankind in attaining the goal of becoming one humanity. They will appear at the proper time to enable mankind to make that Quantum Leap of Collective Consciousness — when the Anti-Christ appears.” [Henry Kissinger has suggested much the same thing.]
- Stock Market to Crash – You can see why.
- Earthquakes around the world – (Russian and U.S. military capabilities include the ability to create earthquakes.)
- The New Age Christ Appears – He is a man of peace. He claims to be the Jewish Messiah, Jesus, Mohammed and Buddha rolled into one. He shows displays of supernatural power.[ix]
Lemesurier is quite honest in laying out the New Age scheme. He writes that the “New Age Christ will be humanly produced.” The Movement has a surprise in store for Mankind. A technological ambushed aimed at changing the spiritual status quo through the use of humanly-produced earthquakes and special effects. The faux fulfillment of Messianic prophecies is aimed at convincing Jewish authorities of his authenticity. This New Messiah will rebuild the Jewish Temple and fulfill Daniel’s prophecy by remaining and ruling from Israel for 7 years. That’s the plan, Stan.
Whether real or fake, the inclusion of an alien dimension in the Globalists End Time’s plans fits well with the biblical narrative. The first thing he told His disciples when they asked about His return was, “Take heed that no one deceives you.” (Matthew 24:4) This will be a time of great deception. In Luke17:26, Jesus tells us: “And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man.” Yes, the days of Noah – prior to the flood – were a time of violence and sin. It was also a time when the Fallen Angels came to Earth and procreated with “the daughters of men.” (Genesis 6) These Fallen Angels were coming to earth, out of their spiritual dimension. Jesus was warning us that the days before his return will be a similar time.
Next week we’ll take it a step further and talk about the technologies that are enabling this demonic invasion, setting up the world for the rise of the Man of Sin and the 7 year Tribulation.
[i] Sarah Westall, Clif High: Deep State Power Struggle, MSM Collapse, More Chaos, March 17, 2017
[ii] Former FBI Agent Explains the Truth of the UFO Invasion, Redacted with Clayton Morris, Interview of John DeSouza, December 22, 2024
[iii] Reported from the Bilderberg Conference (1991) Evian, France,
[iv] Former FBI Agent Explains the Truth of the UFO Invasion, Redacted with Clayton Morris, Interview of John DeSouza, December 22, 2024
[v] SD Wells, Drone Psyop Solved, Natural News, December 20. 2024
[vi] Former FBI Agent Explains the Truth of the UFO Invasion, Redacted with Clayton Morris, Interview of John DeSouza,
December 22, 2024
[vii] What Are Angel Orbs?, Learn Religions, May 25, 2024
[viii] Former FBI Agent Explains the Truth of the UFO Invasion, Redacted with Clayton Morris, Interview of John DeSouza,
December 22, 2024
[ix] The preceding adapted from: Peter Lemesurier, The Armageddon Script, 1981, pg 222 and following
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