WAR NEWS UKRAINE – What would a week be without the requisite escalation in the Russia – Ukraine conflict? HEADLINE: UKRAINE LAUNCHES ATACMS AGAINST CIVILIANS ON A — BEACH — THREE KILLED, 100 INJURED[i] It gets worse. HEADLINE: U.S. Drone Appears to Have Provided Target Coordinates for Ukraine Strike on Russian Civilians at Beach[ii]. As a result, Russia has now officially declared that the US “has become a party to the conflict.” Russian ministry spokesman declared that the ATACMS used in the strike combined with the fact that American military personnel designed the flight missions for the attack, means that the US bears “the same responsibility for this atrocity as the Kiev regime.”[iii]
President Zelensky of Ukraine is making noises about peace. The Kyiv Post reported Zelensky’s statement. “Ukraine does not want to prolong the war. We do not want it to last for years. We have many wounded and killed on the battlefield. We must put a settlement plan on the table within a few months.”[iv] However, the peace plan being proposed is pure fantasy. According to RT, his peace plan includes “Russia ceding all formerly Ukrainian territory, withdrawing all of its troops, paying reparations and submitting to war crimes tribunals.” This follows Ukraine signing pacts with both the EU and the US guaranteeing long-term support for Ukraine’s war with Russia – admittedly put in place “in case Donald Trump wins the November US presidential election.”[v]
While the US and allies are getting ready to ship F-16s to Ukraine, Russia has decided it would pre-empt their delivery. They did so by bombing and disabling Ukrainian airfields that could accommodate the planes. NATO has said that it then would not base F-16s in Ukraine – meaning they would launch from NATO airfields. Russia has said they would then hit those NATO airfields. [Just walking our way up to a nuclear confrontation.] Western analysts have said that given Russian air dominance, the F-16s “would not be a turning point in the war.”[vi]
WAR NEWS ISRAEL – Israel is poised to begin a major invasion of southern Lebanon. Some rumblings tell us that the real aim of the IDF is to lure Iran into the conflict so that Jerusalem can go after the Iranian nuclear sites. [Just a rumor….maybe?]….Iran has warned that “Israel will face an ‘obliterating war’ if it embarks on ‘full-scale military aggression’ against Hezbollah in Lebanon.” [It sounds to me like Tehran is threatening a Psalm 83 fulfillment. Psalm 83 describes what may End Time’s scholars believe is an End Times war against Israel launched by the inner circle of Arab countries that surround the Jewish state. None of those nations – and they are Israel’s staunchest enemies – appears in the Ezekeil 38 Magog War prophecy. Psalm 83 suggests that they are beaten in this first instalment.] Iran is warning of attacks on “all resistance fronts.” This means “not just Hezbollah and Hamas, but also the Houthi rebels in Yemen as well as other groups in Syria and Iraq.” Combined with Egypt’s sudden massive deployment on their side of Rafah and you can see how this could be a fulfillment of Psalm 83.[vii] [viii] [I’m NOT sayin’….I’m just sayin’….]
HEADLINES & SHORTS – Idaho farmers being fined $300 PER ACRE for watering crops… engineered FAMINE now under way[ix] They Are Using Lab-Grown Human Brains That They Have Enslaved Called “Organoids” To Run Computers – Scientists have designed computers run by miniature human brains. The problem is they run out of juice and they have to keep replacing them. The brains replace silicon chips and save a lot of energy[x]….That’s just wrong on just so many levels….
June 23, 2024
[ii] U.S. Drone Appears to Have Provided Target Coordinates for Ukraine Strike on Russian Civilians at Beach, Hal Turner Radio,
June 23, 2024
[iii] Russia Declares United States a “Party to the (Ukraine) Conflict”, Hal Turner Radio, June 24, 2024
[iv] Kyiv Post on X, June 27, 2024
[v] Zelensky preparing ‘plan to end war’, RT, June 28, 2024
[vi] F-16s arrive in Ukraine but experts doubt game-changing impact, Essanews.com, June 29, 2024
[vii] ran Threatens “Obliterating War” if Israel Invades Lebanon, RAN, June 29, 2024
[viii] Egypt at the Rafah Border, Hal Turner Radio, June 29, 2024
[ix] Idaho farmers being fined $300 PER ACRE for watering crops… engineered FAMINE now under way, Natural News, June 26, 2024
[x] Michael Snyder, They Are Using Lab-Grown Human Brains That They Have Enslaved Called “Organoids” To Run Computers,
Activist Post, June 26, 2024
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