One of the most amazing things about the Globalist Cabal is that they seem to take great pleasure in telegraph8ng their next move. Before the release of COVID 19 they war-gamed it several times. The last one was Event 201 put on by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security partnering with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It was held in October of 2019, just before COVID was released on the world. The exercise laid out EXACTLY how the COVID virus would develop and spread and served as a blueprint for the response. Well, they are at it again.
Bill Gates has been warning for about 3 years that the next pandemic will be more lethal and will primarily target children. And that is just what is being reported in China. We are given pictures of Chinese hospital wards filled with children. The Chinese are saying that their health system is being overwhelmed. And then there is the latest war game, Operation Catastrophic Contagion, very similar to Event 201 with many of the same participants. The Gates Foundation is there as is the WHO.
Last time out, if you recall, it was Dr Fauci who warned Trump in 2017 that a pandemic was coming during his administration. Of course he could know that. He was sending money for gain of function to produce the thing. Now, it’s Peter Hotez who is giving a very specific warning. “We have some big picture stuff coming down the pike starting on January 21st.” He mentioned H1N1 “It’s all over wild birds on the western part of the United States and going up in the north, it’s getting into the poultry. We’re seeing sporadic human cases, no human-to-human transmission yet, but that could happen. It’s in the cattle, it’s in the milk, and that’s just the beginning.
We have another major coronavirus likely brewing in Asia. We’ve had SARS in 2002, SARS-CoV-19 in 2019, and we know these viruses are jumping from bats to people thousands of times a year, but there’s still more. We know that we have a big problem with mosquito-transmitted viruses all along the Gulf Coast, where I am here in Texas. We’re expecting dengue and possibly Zika virus coming back, or Apuche virus, maybe even yellow fever, and there’s more. Then we have all this sharp rise in vaccine-preventable diseases going up because of, in part, the anti-vaccine activism that’s so prominent right now. All that’s going to come crashing down on January 21st on the Trump administration.”[i]
Hotez was a strong proponent of lockdowns during the pandemic.[ii] And we are already beginning to hear calls for similar measures when the next pandemic hits along with statements by WHO officials and others demanding that vaccine protestors and those putting out did & mis information be arrested. Some have even suggested FEMA Camps for the vaccine hesitant.
Dr Robert Malone, an inventor of mRNA technology, is blowing the whistle on Big Pharma for sworking to develop “plans to vaccinate members of the public without their consent.” Efforts to do this through the food supply have been problematic as “scientists have been unable to develop material that can survive the human digestive system. To combat this, Malone revealed that pharmaceutical companies have developed ‘infectious vaccines.’ Malone explains that these can be ‘transmitted’ from one person to another like a virus.”[iii]

Why would all of this be going on? It seems like so much tin-foil hat stuff. Alex Jones may have stumbled on the answer back in 2009. He was doing research for Jesse Ventura’s show, Conspiracy Theories. At that time they spoke with Dr Rima Laibow who talked of a coming compulsory vaccine. “In a very short time, not today, not tomorrow, we’ll be facing compulsory vaccination under the mistaken term, voluntary vaccination.” She went on to describe the surrounding circumstances. “Let’s start with the fact that the World Health Organization has decided that we have 90% too many people. The World Health Organization has been working since 1974 on vaccines to create sterility.” Dr Laibow and Alex Jones both agree. This is a Bilderberger plan to release the virus in order to get people to take the shot. Dr Laibow called the technique a “soft kill.”[iv] It would act slowly over time. We know that one effect of the vaccines has been to degrade the immune systems of those who took them. If you took the shots and the boosters you are more likely to get COVID again and again.
[i] Multiple Viruses To Be Unleashed After Trump Takes Office?, Times Now, December 4, 2024
[ii] Frank Bergman, Bill Gates Pushes to Launch ‘New Global Pandemic’ Using ‘Catastrophic Contagion’, Slay News, January 7, 2025
[iii] Frank Bergman, mRNA Inventor Blows Whistle on Plans for ‘Infectious Vaccines’, Slay News, January 2, 2025
[iv] Jesse Ventura MEETS Dr Rima Laibow in 2009, Truth To Trust, published 2023, Rumble
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