The Verdict of Reason When it comes to the Bible, serious Christians have a bit of a problem. In order to use the revealed-Scriptures as a source of authority, we must establish its accuracy. Put another way: If we are to claim that Scripture is inerrant: It must be accurate…in all its details. That’s quite […]
For the past several weeks we’ve been unwrapping the blueprint revealed by the Illuminati for bringing in their coveted New World Order. For them it is to be a return worship of Nimrod & Semiramis and the occult gods of the ancient’s; in actuality the worship of Satan himself. This struggle is an ages-long struggle […]
We shouldn’t be surprised! There were warnings dating back to at least last summer. At that time the State of Texas issued a law enforcement bulletin entitled “ISIS Interest on the US Southwest Border,” which detailed the terror group’s interest in infiltrating America’s porous Southwest border with Mexico.[i] Then at the end of April of […]