The city of Philadelphia spiraled into chaos last Saturday. So far as we know, this was not something that was planned by the Powers-That-Be. But it may as well have been. From the Gateway Pundit: “of cars and massive crowds participated in illegal car meetups, causing widespread chaos that lasted from 9:30 p.m. Saturday until 4:30 a.m. Sunday. At least 11 meetups took place, six of which turned into violent confrontations with police. The mayhem resulted in the hospitalization of one officer, while five police cars were heavily damaged.”[i] Crowds were actually stomping on police cars. “One of them even had a flamethrower that he used to create a ring of fire in the middle of one major intersection.”[ii]
Philadelphia is not alone. The goings-on in Springfield, Ohio are another example. The Biden Regime moved 20,000 Haitians into the town of 40,000. People bring their culture with them. Wild animals and pets became targets. Haitians eat cats and dogs. Many practice witchcraft with animal sacrifice. I’ve covered this in the past and received validation from a former Haitian. Now, Springfield is joined by tiny Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. A mother and young daughter were terrorized and “repeatedly victimized” there by a member of Venezuela’s Tren de Aragua gang. The illegal immigrant “was charged with sexual assault, battery, strangulation, suffocation, false imprisonment, child abuse and disorderly conduct.”[iii] Tren de Aragua has been linked to violent criminal activity in Metro-Denver, Chicago and elsewhere around the country, a product of the Open Borders Policy.
What is happening in America right now is reminiscent of the riots that rocked cities across the country following the death of George Floyd in May of 2020. ANTIFA & BLM were allowed to seize major portions of many cities, burning, looting and attacking police, with few consequences meted out to the rioters. That doesn’t happen by accident. All of this was at the height of the COVID lockdowns. Remember how you couldn’t have public gatherings – unless you were protesting or rioting against police violence. You had to be masked and social distancing unless you were throwing bricks or Molotov cocktails.
Look at the multiple crises that were ginned up over the last several years. Then consider how the policies and laws put down by our betters – our leaders worsened the situations. And then we’ll consider what they have in common. We’ll begin with the COVID era. A somewhat deadly virus is concocted in a lab in China. It spreads across the globe. [Was that the intention?] Societies are locked down, people separated from social interaction with even their families. Big stores are left open, small ones closed. The middle class is devastated. The Vax is produced. It does not – and cannot stop the spread. It makes people more susceptible to the virus. Millions die from this Vax, which is, in many cases mandatory. People lose jobs resisting. Doctors lose careers. Effective medical countermeasures are suppressed. Those who point these things out are silenced. Liquor and pot shops are left open. Churches are closed. ‘Stay in your house unless you are protesting.’ After the smoke clears, they admit to you that none of their counter-measures really had any scientific basis behind them. Yet, they consider the social experiment a success….Because most of the population obeyed. Practice runs like Operation Lockstep conducted by the Rockefeller Foundation and Bill Gates proved that that was the point in the first place. Of course, the policy, is on its’ face, anti-human.
The LGBT movement explodes. The Powers-That-Be demand the power to transition your kids without parental knowledge or consent. They will never have kids of their own. Many will have a lifetime of psychological problems. Many will regret the change. Some will commit suicide. The result is an attack on the institution of the family, the Christian faith and humanity itself.
America’s borders are left open. Millions pour in. We can fight over the number – 11 million, 15 million, 30 million. For the most part they have no intention of assimilating. They don’t come for the freedom promised in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It’s a good thing they don’t. Many of those freedoms are fading away. They come for the free stuff. Some come to change and conquer the country that was once a beacon of freedom to the world. Among them are Chinese Military, Central & South American gangs, Islamic terrorists, Iranian Sleeper Cells, Hezbollah & Hamas operatives, Haitians bringing their practices of witchcraft with its’ animal sacrifices. Allowing them in, is anti-American. It is anti-human.
Our Deep State Rulers promote policies of full-term abortion. There are too many humans, they argue. We must reduce the population. Christian beliefs are targeted. Constitutionalists are targeted. They promote a reduction in farming and agricultural capacity in the name of fighting climate change. The Globalists want to get to “Net Carbon Zero” by 2050. But plants need carbon to grow – and thrive when there is more of it. Even NASA admits that increased carbon in the atmosphere has led to a significant greening of the planet over several decades. So, there you have it. More examples of anti-human policies.
Breaking all this down to its’ most essential element, we can gage their intentions by the result of their policies. As Jack Posobiec succinctly put it: “The goal of a system is what it does.” Jesus put it this way. “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.” (Matthew 7:15-16) We have seen their fruits. Our leaders have bequeathed us millions of immigrants that are changing the character of the country. They want a reduced population. They seek a society controlled by AI. Their policies – taken together – are anti-human. They oppose the family, free speech, a truly -democratic republic – and in many ways, life itself. They are promoting an Agenda of Chaos. And thehy plan to use the CHAOS to advance their power and control. Boiled down to its’ most basic element…this is Evil.
The Summit of The Future
The UN has its’ own plan to harness the CHAOS. This last week they convened something called the Summit of the Future. It consisted of three separate agreements that taken together will promote The Great Reset and eventually – under the ‘right circumstances’ – will aggregate power in the hands of the Secretary General of the UN. It is reported that The Pact for the Future was signed by “every nation on earth.” Among other things the Pact addresses; “sustainable development….science and technology,” “transforming global governance” and “international peace and security.” 1Thessalonians 5:3 tells us: “While people are saying, ‘There is peace and security,’ then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” (ESV)….Just saying.] The Summit also produced a global digital compact and a declaration on future generations.
Now, here is the dangerous part. The Pact commits the entire UN to the emergency powers in the event of what the WEF calls a poly crisis. Alex Newman say a polycrisis is “where you would have multiple crises or one polycrisis that would basically upend society and require a total transformation.” We’re talking about another pandemic, a major conflict, a “cyber pandemic,” an economic crash or a combination of some of the above. In that case the Secretary General of the UN is to assume emergency powers. This would happen when the world is in ‘Global Shock.’ This would result in a “new revised command apparatus ….within existing authorities.” The idea is to use a massive crisis to set up a World Government![iv] [v] [vi]
The Top Down Revolution
We think of the major revolutionary movements of history as being an organic response to tyrannical rule and horrifying, unjust economic conditions. This is rarely been so. Yes, the conditions were often tyrannical and horrifying – but there was an element of manipulation factored in. Freemasonry served as an organizing force of the French Revolution. And the Bolshevik movement in Russia was supported by money from the international bankers. What we are seeing today is another example of manipulation coming from outside the body politic. But this time, we need to think of it as a ‘Top Down Revolution.’
It is the globalist forces that are seeking to remake the World Order to increase and consolidate power. We need only look to the agendas of groups like the WEF and the WHO to understand this is true. They are panting and salivating over the prospect of an all-powerful, all-knowing World Government.
Over a decade ago, the Army War College report made the case that “an economic crisis in the United States could lead to massive civil unrest and the need to call the military to restore order.” They believed this would be driven by the disappearance of the middle class as the gap between rich and poor grew dramatically. We watched that process accelerate rapidly with the COVID response. We see it today under Bidenomics. Andrew G Marshall believes that the middle class “could become a revolutionary class, taking the role envisaged for the proletariat by Marx.” Perhaps? But what is – and has generally been the middle class – has been, by nature, sober and conservative in their responses. They generally, even clean-up after their demonstrations. But Marshall believes, the globalization planned and being executed by the elites, could cause the middles to unite on a planetary scale.[vii] But what is coming is not quite the unanticipated social meltdown that it may seem. No, it is rather a chaos controlled and orchestrated by Global Elites with full knowledge of their actions. If revolution comes – it will come with the sole purpose of putting it down and instituting more stringent government controls and – eventually – a One World Government. Can they goad American conservatives into civil war? Because then the Globalist Deep State can act without restraint. So, I offer now some sobering and likely unfamiliar observations.
Revolutions Are Planned – There is a symbiotic relationship between economics and revolution. In fact, it has been the manipulation of the perception of economic realities that has fed all revolutionary movements dating back to the French Revolution and including 1848, and the Russian Revolution. It is the intention of the Illuminati to feed this End Times Revolution until they accomplish their ends. Look for a move toward regionalization along the road to Global Government. A North American Union is likely in the cards complete with a continental currency to replace the dollar. The aim of the Global Elites is to make things so bad that people will be hungering for governmental control just to get “peace and security.” (1Thessalonians 5:3) This newsletter has documented before how they’ve already told us how they are willing to use not only financial collapse, but wars and terrors etc to bring about their ends.
There Is A Relationship Between Revolutions & Satanism – Communism’s authors, Marx and Engels were both Satanists.[viii] So too was the National Socialist revolutionary, Adolph Hitler. The pagan overtones of Nazism as well as the blatant atheism of Communism are both expressions of the Satanic, evidenced by the murderous history that ended the lives of hundreds of millions of souls under those regimes.
- The Global Elites Are Moving Us Toward A Form of International Fascism – World Government will be routed through regionalism and brought about as the natural reaction to the chaos that the PTB are allowing or creating themselves – and feeding for their own purposes.
- The Collapse Is Not Inevitable – But It Is Chosen – There is a drive for a new worldwide monetary order. The Financial crisis of 2008 was created by the Global Elites and it was calibrated to achieve the effect they wanted. Their moves are always taking us toward One World Government.[ix] Big Debt will serve as its financial vehicle. The aim has always been to remake America and the West, preparing their populations to acquiesce to massively increased government control. The population is already being shaped by political correctness, Islamic terror, and the radicalization of the Uni-Party.
- It Will Be Religion That Drives The Revolution – A revived Babylonian-Paganism is the ultimate goal. Alice Bailey called it the externalization of the hierarchy. At first, this will not be a readily visible manifestation. However, you will be able to detect its presence if you know what to look for. Revelation 13:4 puts it like this: “Men worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, ‘Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?’” (NIV) The coming New World Order will have a religious underpinning that will in some sick way, attempt to make sense of events.
But listen! The Globalists may plot and scheme, but God has the last word in all of this. “Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together,
against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying, ‘Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us.’ He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision. Then he will speak to them in his wrath, and terrify them in his fury.” (Psalm 2:1-5) (ESV)
[i] Jim Hoft, Violent Mob Rampages Through Philadelphia, Gateway Pundit, September 23, 2024
[ii] Michael Snyder, If Our Cities Already Look Like They Belong In “Grand Theft Auto”, What Will They Look Like Once The Economy Implodes?, September 24,2024
[iii] Families in swing state afraid to let kids play outside after Venezuelan migrant attacks mom, child, FOX NEWS, September 23, 2024
[iv] Gregg Hunter, UN Takeover with Chaos & Crisis – Alex Newman, USA Watchdog, September 25, 2024
[v] Summit of the Future, UN,,and%20future%20generations%3B%20and%205%20Transforming%20global%20governance., Viewed September 27, 2024
[vi] Glen Beck, UN Just Approved the Framework for a One World Government, Viewed September 26, 2024
[vii] Andrew G Marshall, The Global Economic Crisis, Global Research, April 7, 2010
[viii] André F. Garcia, Mysterious Links between Socialism, Zionism and Satanism, Secret Forces, viewed April 16, 2010
[ix] Paul Joseph Watson, Bilderberg To Prolong Global Financial Recession For Another Year, Prison Planet, April 9, 2010
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