“Pilate therefore said to Him, ‘Are You a king then?’ Jesus answered, ‘You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.’ Pilate said to Him, ‘What is truth?’” (John 18:37-38)
There are a few things we can know about this drive toward global government and a New World Order. In the short run, it goes back decades and in the long run, thousands of years. And it is all built upon a tissue of lies and deception. We can also know that it is not about saving lives or solving a health care crisis or raising the standard of living, or making things affordable, or equal justice under the law. It is power – it is about control – detailed, total and absolute. To paraphrase a once popular song: ‘What’s truth got to do, got to do with it?’
Everything is a shell game. Take the recent revelations regarding Hunter Biden’s lap top. During the 2020 presidential election, the New York Times and the mainstream media said it was all “Russian disinformation.” Now that Biden’s out of the picture, Hunter is fair game. So, the Times and its’ fellow travelers are free to pose as purveyors of real journalism. It’s amazing how that works1
Or consider the latest large-volume study on the effectiveness of the COVID vaccines conducted by Oxford University. “Oxford study shows only vaccinated kids are dying and getting myocarditis and pericarditis
A new large-scale study from renowned scientists at the prestigious University of Oxford has just confirmed that myocarditis and pericarditis only appear in children and adolescents after Covid vaccination and not after infection from the virus. The new study looked at the official government data of more than 1 million English children and adolescents aged between five and 11 and 12 and 15.” As the article says, “Only vaccinated kids are dying unexpectedly.”[i] Sort of puts an end to “Safe & Effective!” But if we go back in time, we can see evidence that this was planned – on some level – for quite some time.

In 1980, Dr Michel Salomon interviewed French economic and social theorist and sometime-politician, the globalist Jacques Atalli. Atalli revealed a plan for the future that closely mirrors what we actually witnessed during the rollout of COVID & the response to it. [Now in fairness, I must relate that the usual fact checkers claim this is all a fake – and have taken down many of the pages that contain the content I’m about to relate. However, I did find a couple of sources, one being what appears to document the original interview faithfully. The following revelation comports closely with the Greek monk, Elder Paisios and the French Canadian Theology Professor, Dr Pierre Gilbert, who both made their predictions back in the 1990s.]
The words of Jacques Atalli: “The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We start with the old, because as soon as they exceed 60-65 years, people live longer than they produce and that costs society dearly. Then the weak, then the useless that do not help society because there will always be more of them, and above all, ultimately, the stupid. Euthanasia will have to be an essential tool in our future societies, in all cases. Of course, we will not be able to execute people or build camps.” He then went on to describe the methods he believed would be used. “Neither will we be able to test millions upon millions of people for their intelligence, you bet that! We will find or cause something a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and stupid will believe in it and seek treatment. We will have made sure that treatment is in place, treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots then takes care of itself: You go to the slaughter by yourself.”[ii] [iii] [iv]

Now let’s compare that to what the Greek Monk, Elder Paisios wrote in 1990. “A vaccine has been developed to combat a new disease, which will be obligatory and those taking it will be marked… Later on, anyone who is not marked with the number 666 will not be able to either buy or sell, to get a loan, to get a job, and so forth. My thinking tells me that this is the system through which the Antichrist has chosen to take over the whole world, and people who are not part of this system won’t be able to find work and so on — whether black or white or red; in other words, everyone he will take over through an economic system that controls the global economy, and only those who have accepted the seal, the mark of the number 666, will be able to participate in business dealings.”[v] [vi]
And here’s Dr Pierre Gilbert speaking in 1995. [The translation comes off a little awkward but you’ll get the gist.] “In the biological destruction, there are the organized tempests on the magnetic fields. What will follow is the contamination of the bloodstreams of mankind, creating intentional infections. These will be enforced by laws that make vaccination mandatory. And these vaccines will make possible to control people. These vaccines will have liquid crystals that will be hosted in the brain cells, which will become micro-receivers of electromagnetic fields, where waves of very, very low frequencies will be sent. And through these low frequency waves, people will be unable to think. You’ll be turned into a zombie. Don’t think of this as a hypothesis. This has been done. Think of Rwanda.”[vii] And there is the connection to 5G technology. This was confirmed a few years back.
The University of Virginia Charlottesville developed that very technology back in 2016. Nanotechnology News: “American researchers have developed a new method of mind control that sounds oddly similar to what some suspect is contained within Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) ‘vaccines.’” Using genetic engineering, they’ve “developed a genetically modified (GMO) protein known as ‘Magneto’ that allows behaviors and brain function to be remotely controlled externally. Magneto was designed to activate a specific group of nerve cells within the body, and this activation can be done from a distance – perhaps from a 5G tower?…. Magneto is delivered into the body via viral injection.”[viii]
How can we make sense of all this? On it’s face, it looks like events are being engineered – by the leadership of this nation – to destroy the nation and have it take its’ place as part of an emerging New World Order. We really don’t know what we think we know! Why are the radical left and the ultra-rich allied together in the cause of One World Government? It’s a serious question. Dr Henry Makow lays out the case that “Communism was/is a plot designed to substitute a cabal of the rich for the rule of God.”[ix] Seeing what we’ve seen: Is that really so far-fetched? What he’s proposing, is that: ‘Things are not indeed what they seem.’ The world we are living in has been infiltrated and transformed by the manipulations of a powerful elite.
None of this is accidental. Just look at American education. It has been under the control of the globalists for well over a century, dating back to at least the days of Dewey. Then Look at the biased media and the subliminal messages of an increasingly amoral culture that promotes a level of tolerance of sin that would have been unthinkable even forty years ago. Bella Dodd, a leader of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) chimes in with her opinion, given in her 1954 book, School of Darkness. She argues, – that Communism as promoted in the US was but a tool of the financial elite “to control the common man.” While perhaps overstated, as the opinion of one disenchanted with the reality of the cause of her youth, – Dodd’s opinion cannot be entirely overlooked. Just like the terror phenomenon, Communism became just another weapon in the elite’s arsenal to achieve their ends. Both are real forces, whose trajectory and momentum can be somewhat co-opted in the campaign for global consolidation.
Here is some of what Dodd, the committed revolutionary revealed about the CPUSA. The Party “had 1,100 members become Catholic priests” in the 30’s, as well as infiltrating the teacher’s unions. The results can be seen in the hard left turns made by those organizations, – manifesting itself on the grassroots level in the Church and in the upper echelons of education. All of this was about the subversion of American society and the destruction of the Christian / Western culture that existed. The Kremlin archives, – opened after the fall of Communism in Russia, confirmed that the American Communists were but a “puppet of Moscow” and that Senator McCarthy was essentially right.

(A fact that has been admitted in, – but not widely trumpeted by the mainstream press.) The Soviets had managed to place numerous agents in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations, including Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, and one of Roosevelt’s closest advisors and architects of the New Deal, Harry Hopkins.
The New World Order was to be built on the Soviet-American cooperation birthed in WWII; – and it was during that time, – according to Bella Dodd, – that Vanderbilts, Morgans and Rockefeller men were rubbing elbows with Communist leaders in their headquarters located just across the street from the CFR. In the end, Dodd was completely disillusioned by her observations of the close cooperation between the two supposedly opposing forces.[x]
In this light it is interesting to note then, a listing of the goals the Communists had for this country as entered into the Congressional Record in 1963 by Rep. Albert Herlong Jr of Florida. Rep Herlong revealed 45 in all, but I’ll cut the list down a bit in the interest of space. When looking at the list, note just how many have already been achieved or are on their way to fulfillment.
CURRENT COMMUNIST GOALS – (By Rep Herlong’s #s, – as entered into the Congressional Record in 1963)
- Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
- Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights. [The story of the 70’s, 80’s & 90’s ]
- Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum.
- Gain control of all student newspapers.
- Use student riots to foment public protests. (It happened in the 60s and is happening again today.)
- Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.
- Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures. [Done!]
- Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. “Eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms
- Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
- Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. 26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.” [Check!]
- Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible.
- Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.” [Check!]
- Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.” [
- Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture–education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc. [Can anyone say: ‘Obama Care?’]
- Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
- Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents.[xi]
As you can see, they’ve done pretty well in the last nearly-six decades, achieving or making progress toward their goals. What is remarkable is that the same societal transformation that the Communists sought, served as very effective tools for the Bilderbergers and their ilk. So, what do the powerful financial elites have in common with the champions of the proletariat that would allow them to share this common ground? Part of the answer is finance. We’ve all heard of the support of Leftist revolutionary causes by George Soros through the many organizations that feed off of his cash. And note: These are Communist goals we’ve documented. They are shared by Antifa, which is at its heart a Communist organization dedicated to the destruction of America. Black

Lives Matter, is also an admittedly Marxist organization. We have proof of this in the words chanted at the Berkley riots of a few years back, where even the mainstream media reported that Antifa and their duped followers beat “peaceful protestors” from the Right as well as reporters there to cover the event. The crowds there were chanting: “No USA at All!”[xii] Even typing that sentence has given me a cold chill. Is this the future of Amerika? These are the same tactics that brought the Bolsheviks, a minority party, to power in Russia 1917. For the first time I am coming to believe the unimaginable; that the United States of America may be overthrown by a Communist revolution. But it is my humble opinion that that would never be allowed to stand. First would come the reaction that would lead to civil war. That would be followed by the imposition of Deep State / Globalist control in the form of a de-facto dictatorship with only the trappings of legality – aided and abetted if necessary by the UN, using foreign troops. Many of those forces are already in place. Chinese units in Mexico and Canada. Taliban & ISIS & Hamas & Iranian cells & MS-13 in the US.
But through it all, God has everything under control. It is His will that will prevail – and is prevailing even now. Here is God’s promise to His servants. “‘No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; And every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their vindication is from Me,’ declares the Lord.” (Isaiah 54:17)
[i] Steve Kirsch, New Oxford study shows ONLY the kids who took the COVID shots had heart problems and died, Burning Platform,
August 19, 2024
[ii] L’avenir de la vie (Dr Michel Salomon, 1980), May 7, 2021
[iii] Globalist Planner Jacques Atalli Predicted Scamdemic & Genocide in 1981, HenryMakow.com, September 22, 2021
[iv] Taken from 1981 interview, Bilderberger Jacques Attali, is an example of their mindset, Tiger Droppings, July 22, 2021
[v] Elder Paisios — The Signs of the Times, Holy Monastery of Mount Athos / Distributed by AtHOS; 1st edition, January 1, 2012, pg 204
[vi] Leo Hohmann, Will you allow yourself to be ‘marked’ by the world system?, https://leohohmann.com/2021/06/02/
[vii] Dr Pierre Gilbert 1995 Magnetic Vaccines, The DeProgram, May 17, 2021,
[viii] Ethan Huff, Do covid vaccines contain GMO “Magneto” protein capable of remotely controlling behavior, brain activity?,
Nanotechnology News, May 25, 2021
[ix] Henry Makow, Communism & NWO: Wall Street’s Utopian Hoax, March 16, 2003
[x] Henry Makow, Communism & NWO: Wall Street’s Utopian Hoax, March 16, 2003
[xi] Albert Herlong Jr, 1963 Communist Goals, as entered into the Congressional Record, found on the website of the Free Republic, http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1529020/posts
[xii] Antifa Gone Wild, Daily Wire, August 28, 2017
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