History always prepares the way into the future. We are living through an interesting age, when the world is being prepared for the coming of the New Age Christ. There are forces operating behind the scenes, altering our goals and values; – practitioners of the Right Hand Path (White Magic), – or avowed worshipers of Satan, whose own ultimate end games are the same. Each of these systems is admittedly trying to orchestrate the emergence of an enlightened teacher, a Messiah figure to lead mankind to the next stage in our development. In the 1930’s & 40’s, they believed that they may have had their candidate; – German Dictator Adolph Hitler.
“And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.” (Daniel 8:23)
To the New Agers, all religions are journeys on the same path. While nominally professing openness to all religious beliefs, the tenets they hold to are actually opposed to the beliefs and values of the Judeo-Christian tradition. God is an impersonal force. Reincarnation is necessary. Humanity itself is god. We just need to realize our divinity. There is no sin. There is no hell, no real morality. There is no real good or evil. And because there is no external source of authority, – no God – there is no truth. Harkening back to ancient religions including Hinduism, the earth itself is a “mother goddess” we can worship. Jesus, well he was just one of many ascended masters upon whom the Christ consciousness fell. No different than Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna or Abraham.
And these New Age beliefs, – they’ve got a very interesting connection. They’ve been in affect before – the last time under a man named Adolph Hitler.[i] The doctrines and values of Nazism are almost identical to the doctrines and values of the New Age.
After his release from the German Army at the close of WWI, Hitler joined the Thule Society, a secret Satanic order headed up by a man named Dietrich Eckart. Now, before meeting Hitler, Eckart was given a vision by his ‘guiding spirit’ that told him he would meet the man who would become the Antichrist. Eckart was told to initiate Hitler into the most arcane areas of the occult in order to prepare him for his role. And that he did. Herr Eckart boasted on his own deathbed, “I have initiated him into the Secret Doctrine…and given him the means to communicate with the powers.” On another occasion Eckart encouraged his fellow Satanists to “Follow Hitler! He will dance, but I will blow the pipe.”[ii] Often they held special ceremonies where the entire Thule Society would call upon the Spirit of Antichrist to possess Hitler. Many of the ceremonial practices found both in the inner circles of groups such as the SS and the inner core Nazi leadership, as well as those instituted in German society as a whole can be traced back to the ceremonial Satanism Hitler experienced during these years.[iii]
You see, Hitler had been preparing for this most of his life. According to Trevor Ravenscroft, author of ‘Spear of Destiny,’he became possessed about the age of 15, speaking in a strange voice to his friend August Kubizek, about a mandate to rule Germany. He was enthralled with such subjects as Eastern Religions, the Occult, Astrology, Yoga and Hypnotism. The future German Dictator was captivated by the writings of Madame Blavatsky, New Age writer and founder of the House of Theosophy. So Hitler began to seek after sexual illumination. The Satanic rites he practiced involved animal sacrifice, orgies, and sadistic scourging and sodomy. Hitler himself was a devotee of Eastern Mysticism, the use of drugs to expand the consciousness, the power of crystals, yoga and hypnotism. (All of this reminds one of the likes of Timothy Leary and the drug-laden 60’s revolution with its psychedelic / religious overtones.) Over time, Hitler became fully initiated into the Satanic rituals through the efforts of Dietrich Eckardt and others, even preparing himself with the ‘mind expanding’ use of peyote in his early days in Vienna. The sexual rituals promoted by Eckardt in which Hitler participated, had a direct link to a lodge of a secret society called the Knights Templar, headed by British occultist Aleister Crowley.[iv] Over the course of time, he came to consider himself destined to rule the world through the Aryan race.[v] Eckardt believed Hitler was indeed the Antichrist, as did many practicing occultists around the world.[vi]
After he finally did take power, Hitler recalled his rise from nothing, which confirmed in his mind the course of his destiny. He became obsessed with relics. This is in itself a very occultic behavior. Occultists believe objects possess power in themselves. Hitler became especially enamoured with the Spear of Longimus. This was the spear that had reputedly pierced the side of Jesus on the Cross. One of his first acts after Anschluss, the annexation of Austria by Nazi Germany, was to drive down to Vienna to take possession of that spear.[vii] He was fully convinced of its’ power. At the age of 20, Hitler viewed the spear at a Museum in Vienna, Austria. An eyewitness, a Dr Stein, described the scene recorded by Trevor Ravenscroft in Spear of Destiny. “Adolf Hitler stood … like a man in a trance, a man over whom some dreadful magic spell had been cast … caught up in some totally inexplicable euphoria… creating within and around him a kind of evil transformation of its own nature and power.”[viii] It is the contention of Ravenscroft that possession of the spear with its supposed occultic power was the driving force behind Hitler’s annexation of Austria, one of the key steps on the road to World War II.[ix]
Now just like the New Agers, Hitler fully believed that god was an impersonal force. This was the worship in some ways of the earth itself. Nazism had that same occult connection. SS Chief, Heinrich Himmler, was the head of several secret societies. Several Hilter devotees were members of the Vril Society, which believed, in the descriptive words of researcher Wes Penre, that “through esoteric teachings and expansion of their consciousness, [they] would be equals to the Super race inside the Hollow Earth”.[x] It is this impersonal force, this god of energy that makes possible worship of nature itself. This nature worship comes from the ancient wisdom of Babylon and Egypt. New Age author, Alice Bailey tells us that the New Age Messiah, will “restore the Ancient Mysteries to outer expression.” She is saying that this New Christ, will restore the public worship of Satan, – to the way it had been in the days of ancient Babylon. In Nazi Germany, this worship had its expression in Hitler’s Paganistic Pre-War Nuremberg ceremonies, catering to hundreds of thousands of devotees, and in his mountain top rituals with their pagan inspired rites.[xi]
So nature worship and the notion of god as energy or an impersonal force, became the basis of all truth. In their thinking, since man and nature are one; – a belief in reincarnation is the natural corollary. That’s why we can see the New Agers, Hitler and the Satanists all believing in this anti-Biblical doctrine of reincarnation; a sort of recycling of the soul into the natural system. Sounds a bit like the recipes of afternoon talk shows and late night TV. Yet all these modern trends are just expressions of the New Age, – once held by the Nazis, – with a history that dates back to the Tower of Babel. Both the New Age and the Nazis hold that mankind is evolving and that we can affect our own evolution. They both believe that the mind or ‘willpower’ creates reality. Finally, Hitler saw himself as the Messiah who would join politics and religion in a crusade against Historical Christianity. According to New Age philosophy, the coming ‘Christ’ will again join politics and religion coming against narrow-minded Christians, who see in the world in such black and white terms, – who know only one truth, – that of Jesus the Christ.[xii]
Now lets look at something we’ve visited before that will help tie this all together. We know that, during the Holocaust, the German dictator managed to kill 2/3 of the Jews world-wide. Hitler felt the earth was a conscious organism, as does the New Age crowd. New Age writers, led by their radical environmentalist faction, have been calling for a cleansing of the earth for some time now. Interestingly, they are calling for the reduction of the earth’s population by about 2/3. So when the subjects of abortion, (which one former Satanist has described as sacrifice of the highest form, human sacrifice to the Lord of Darkness), or euthanasia come up, you will find little protest among the ‘all affirming, peace loving, all tolerant New Age movement’.[xiii] You will find New Age gurus like Alice Bailey writing about the beneficial nature of death, calling it “…good and necessary”. Elsewhere she wrote, “The Jewish problem is definitely producing cleavage as part of the divine plan…When the mind is more fully developed then the focus of the effort of the Dark Forces will change and the problem of the Jews will disappear.”[xiv] That was Hitler’s idea exactly!
The ultimate aim of Hitler, his occult handlers and his initiated followers was actually two-fold; – the destruction of the Jews as representative of God’s salvation plan for mankind, – and the unification of the entire world under the aegis of the age-old religious system begun in Babylon under Nimrod. The wonder is not that Hitler and his henchman cooked up their crazy evil scheme but that a nominally ‘Christian’ Germany went along with it. That country was prepared, during the Weimar period of the 20’s; – their decade of moral decline. (Remember ‘Cabaret’, with its depiction of unbridled German decadence during the 1920’s?) Through unbridled sexual license, and public perversions and the introduction of euthanasia, the formerly (and formally) Christian society was conditioned to accept the values of the Holocaust. In much the same way we are being conditioned to accept the very similar values of the soon coming Antichrist. And then came the fruit, as Germany and the world reaped what was sown. Hitler fulfilled the attributes of the Antichrist – only on a smaller scale. He demonized the Jews; – and the German people acquiesced in their slaughter. He destroyed the German Church – replacing it with his own state run, paganized version. He instituted for instance, a paganized version of the marriage ceremony, more in line with ancient German legend; – and acknowledging the Fuhrer as Messiah. Because of its Jewish roots, the entire Old Testament and even parts of the New Testament were deemed unsuitable for the “New Germany.”[xv]
You see, Hitler was serving as a forerunner or a type of Antichrist. He fulfilled so many of the requirements. The German Church, remade in his image, was a shadow of the coming apostate pseudo-Christian church of the Last Days.[xvi] Like Nimrod, the founder of Paganism, Hitler served then as a combination absolute dictator and Satanic High Priest. And like the Antichrist to come, Hitler applied witchcraft to his power. Scripture says that the “man of sin” will understand “dark sentences” and “cause craft to prosper in his hand,” both direct references to witchcraft. (Daniel 8:23, 25) Even the torch lit, choreographed, mass rally’s at Nuremburg in the 1930’s were just a gigantic occult ceremony, with one Satanist characterizing them as “more magical in nature than political.”[xvii]
It must be understood that just like his philosophical and theological cousins in the New Age and the secret societies like the Freemasons: Hitler believed in a god of forces, a god of energy. To them, God is not a person but rather exists in every person and everything. Man need only tap that divinity. Hitler was seeking the same thing that New Age writer Alice Bailey was seeking; – the triumph of the Luciferian Mysteries found in the sordid pagan practices of Babylon and Egypt and Rome. So the same process that worked in Germany between the Wars is now at work in the West and in the world at large. In the words of Alice Bailey, the New Christ, or Great One, is coming to restore the Ancient Mysteries as the basis of the One World Religion. “These Mysteries, when restored, will unify all faiths.”[xviii] That’s the Pagan dream!
[i] Sherry Shriner, The New World Order and the Talmud,
[ii] Originally quoted by JH Brennan, Occult Reich, my source: Wes Penre, Hitler And The Secret Societies, Illuminati News,
February 11, 1999
[iii] David Bay, Study Antichrist Through The Study of Hitler, Update #1008, Cutting Edge Ministries
[iv] Wes Penre, Hitler And The Secret Societies, Illuminati News, February 11, 1999
[v] Dr David L Brown, Adolph Hitler’s Occult Connections, Logos Communication Consortium 1992
[vi] Editor Steve Van Natan, The Thule Society & NWO, Cephas Ministry
[vii] Lee Krystek, The Holy Lance, UnMuseum, 1997
[viii] Wes Penre, Hitler And The Secret Societies, Illuminati News, February 11, 1999
[ix] Randy Van Dyke, The Spear of Destiny, Random Reel, monitored May 18, 2007
[x] Wes Penre, Hitler And The Secret Societies, Illuminati News, February 11, 1999
[xi] David Bay, Study Antichrist Through The Study of Hitler, Update #1244, Cutting Edge Ministries
[xii] David Bay, Study Antichrist Through The Study of Hitler, Update #1244, Cutting Edge Ministries
[xiii] David Bay, Study Antichrist Through The Study of Hitler, Update #1244, Cutting Edge Ministries
[xiv] Alice Bailey, quoted from Discipleship In The New Age, quoted by Hannah Newman in The Rainbow Swastika, Philogos
[xv] David Bay, Study Antichrist Through The Study of Hitler, Update #1244, Cutting Edge Ministries
[xvi] Taken from a book review by Lori Baldwin of Anita Dittman’s Trapped In Hitler’s Hell,
[xvii] INTERVIEW: Rev. Michael Boe of the Leviathan Grotto conducted by Matt G. Paradise for Not Like Most #5
[xviii] Alice Bailey, Externalization of the Hierarchy, 1946, pg 573
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