What happened October 7 was beyond the pale. The slaughter and torture and sexual violence was off the charts. Yet somehow, the narrative has been turned. The story has been flipped. Somehow, Israel has become the bad guy in this fight. The criminal terrorists have reaped the benefits of a cooperative world media, the demonically-inspired anti-Semitism and their own hubris. Thousands of civilians have lost their lives in the IDF’s assault on Gaza. And the pictures and stories documenting the loss of those civilian lives is serving the Palestinian cause well in the world of propaganda influencing popular opinion. The temporary cease-fires are over. The IDF has resumed pounding Hamas strongholds. The issue is always the same. Israel drops leaflets telling civilians to leave. But Hamas is using those civilians as human shields. They cannot leave – or do not leave. Then Israel strikes where they said they would. And women and children die. This is nothing new. In 2016 former President Clinton said, “Bill Clinton exposed in 2016 two basic facts that seem to shock people today: 1. Hamas has long been using its hospitals and civilians as human shields. 2. The Palestinians rejected offers to have a state side by side with Israel.”[i]
IDF Lt. Col. Amnon Shefler told the New York Post, “[Hamas’] M.O. is deliberately to use the civilian realm for their own human shield protection in the most cynical ways. I can show you endless amounts of pictures and videos of how rockets are being manufactured in schools, hosted in schools, shot from schools, mosques and homes. We’ve found rockets and ammunition underneath baby girls’ beds and also in hospitals.” We must put this into context. Up until October 7, Hamas had been routinely targeting Israeli, schools, synagogues and hospitals with the intention of killing civilians. Over 10,500 rockets were fired. And this latest cease fire ended when “Hamas terrorists opened fire at a Jerusalem bus stop, killing three civilians.” One Israeli commander summed up the dilemma. “How does one deal with a terrorist infrastructure that is underneath the hospital? We can strike it from the air, but of course that has its implications – and that’s why we chose not to do it.”[ii]

We are watching the world mobilize – not against the terrorists – but against the Israeli response. But as the hostages were released and the testimony of those that witnessed and survived the massacre came out the dark story revealed itself in all its’ horrifying glory. An integral part of the assault was an “orchestrated campaign of sexual terror and physical mutilation.” Hamas operatives captured by the IDF confirmed “that they were encouraged to rape Israeli women and girls and to behead their victims to instill fear.” Father of four, Yooni Saadon, hid under the dead body of a woman to escape the slaughter at the Supernova Music Festival. He witnessed the gang rape of a young woman as she begged to be killed. “I saw this beautiful woman with the face of an angel and eight or ten of the fighters beating and raping her. She was screaming, ‘Stop it — already I’m going to die anyway from what you are doing, just kill me!’ When they finished, they were laughing and the last one shot her in the head.” An hour later he took in another horrifying scene. “They had caught a young woman near a car and she was fighting back, not allowing them to strip her. They threw her to the ground and one of the terrorists took a shovel and beheaded her and her head rolled along the ground.” Afterward, when Israeli recovery teams went in they found “many of the murdered women and girls were found stripped partially or completely naked, and many had clear signs of sexual violence, including bloody genitalia. Sexual mutilation was common and some had their genitals shot off. “Their faces were in anguish and often their fingers clenched as they died.”[iii] Israeli men were also raped during the invasion.[iv]
The torture was not confined to the killing fields. Hamas kept many of its’ female hostages in cages. And the children were branded to mark them should they escape using the hot exhaust pipes of the motorcycles that took them into Gaza.[v]
So, what is behind this campaign to shame Israel and force them from the Land promised by them by God Himself? It is a demonic wish for sure, related to the anti-Semitism that has existed throughout the ages. [Yes, of course, one can disagree with the policies of the Israeli government without hating Jews. But Jew hate has been in place since the days of Haman, and his attempt to wipe out the nation of Israel, recounted in the Book of Esther – and even before that. And afterward, in the Middle Ages, through the Russian pogroms and the Holocaust. The current brand, at least in part is driven by a woke media and the United Nations. This only makes sense as the Bible tells us that there is coming a time when all the nations of the Earth will come against Israel and Jerusalem. Zechariah 14:3 reads, “On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves. And all the nations of the earth will gather against it.” (ESV) Well, the UN is at work right now, setting the stage for that to happen.
Robert Williams of the Gatestone Institute writes: “To understand how the UN effectively runs the Hamas propaganda war, it is important to know that the UN, through its agency for Palestinian refugees, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), is effectively embedded with Hamas in the Gaza Strip….The UN has sustained an incessant campaign, especially on social media, that accuses Israel of deliberately targeting schools, children, civilians, hospitals and healthcare workers. While those are protected from attack during war by international law, that protection does not apply to schools, hospitals and other civilian sites that are used for military purposes.” This is a purposeful campaign by the UN agency. Since the attack, the UN has been pushing the Hamas propaganda. “As soon as news of the horrific slaughter broke, which was livestreamed on social media by some of the terrorists, United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff immediately celebrated and justified it on Facebook.”[vi] One captured Hamas fighter admitted: “During combat, the ambulances are used, among other things, to evacuate fighters, commanders and operatives. They also transport food, cargo and weapons in them because that is the safest way to transport them.” One operative admitted, “I can leave with any ambulance I want.[vii]

Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN Watch, summed up the situation. “The UN has 13,000 employees in tiny Gaza. They know exactly what’s going on… They all knew Hamas’ terror infrastructure was in the hospital compound, where Israel wouldn’t attack. They lied to the world for 16 years. To paint Israel as evil.”[viii]
The bottom line on all of this was given by Robert Williams. “The UN, through UNRWA in Gaza, likely knows everything that happens there, including the terrorist infrastructure of the underground Hamas tunnels and their use of hospitals and ambulances. Yet throughout this war, the UN has done nothing but feign ‘horror and shock’ at Israel’s necessary measures against Hamas terrorists embedded within civilian society in Gaza.”[ix] And that means that they knew about the coming attack before it happened. There are other indications that this is so. That is the shape of Israel’s Dilemma!
[i] https://twitter.com/GeorgeDeek/status/1724332908477923815
[ii] Caitlin Doombos, How Israeli forces take big risks to avoid harming Gaza civilians, New York Post, December 3, 2023
[iii] David Rosenberg, Survivors Recount Horrific Hamas Atrocities Including Gang Rapes, Beheadings, and Genital Mutilation,
United With Israel, December 4, 2023
[iv] Hamas terrorists raped Israeli men during invasion, World Israel News, December 6, 2023
[v] David Isaac, Revealed: Hamas Branded Children with Hot Metal and Confined Israeli Women in Cages, JNS, viewed December 4, 2023
[vi] Robert Williams, UN and Hamas: Partners in Crime, Gatestone Institute, December 4, 2023
[vii] Yoav Zitun, IDF releases damning evidence of Hamas using ambulances to move around Gaza, YNET News, November 8, 2023
[viii] https://twitter.com/HillelNeuer/status/1725279011830464709 November 23, 2023
[ix] Robert Williams, UN and Hamas: Partners in Crime, Gatestone Institute, December 4, 2023
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