I’ll start by saying what you’re not supposed to say, stuff that would – and has – got me shot down on other forums. When you look at the REAL SCIENCE, you find a lot of evidence that lockdowns don’t work. Social distancing doesn’t work. Masking as a society-wide tool doesn’t work. Vaccines are problematic at best. And as we talked about last week: Vaccines aren’t really vaccines but rather “gene therapy” designed to lessen symptoms rather than prevent infection. That’s a fact admitted to by the vaccine makers. But we’re not allowed to say those things on most forums because they don’t align with the narrative approved by the ruling authorities.
So, there is this little potential problem with the whole vaccine thing – that could actually turn into quite a BIG THING. It is something called ADE, which stands for antibody-dependent enhancement. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia explains that “ADE occurs when the antibodies generated during an immune response recognize and bind to a pathogen, but they are unable to prevent infection. Instead, these antibodies act as a ‘Trojan horse,’ allowing the pathogen to get into cells and exacerbate the immune response.”[i] A study published in September of 2020 concludes: “Data from the study of SARS-CoV and other respiratory viruses suggest that anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies could exacerbate COVID-19 through antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). Previous respiratory syncytial virus and dengue virus vaccine studies revealed human clinical safety risks related to ADE, resulting in failed vaccine trials.”[ii]
What’s going on is the antibodies produced by a natural COVID infection is different from one produced by the vaccines. Karl Denninger, writing in Market Ticker explains. “Coronaviruses are notorious for ADE reactions, where antibody presence potentiates the infection instead of protecting against it… The poster child for ADE in coronaviruses was an attempted vaccine for a feline coronavirus that often made cats very sick. The vaccine killed every one of them in the test when they were later exposed, wildly potentiating the infection….NOT ONE VACCINATED CAT SURVIVED A CHALLENGE WITH THE ACTUAL VIRUS.” Demminger points out that China and North Korea and Iran are likely working in their labs to take advantage of this fact. “An adversary that develops a virus (e.g. another modified/mutated bat virus, for example) that selectively targets ADE in people with the specific antibodies from vaccination, which are distinct from natural infection, could easily kill every single person who was vaccinated and not harm or only make mildly sick those who either had Covid-19 naturally or who were uninfected and unvaccinated.”[iii] So just file this ADE thing under ‘An untested vaccine: What could possibly go wrong?’
**** ****
Now last time we told you how Germany had approved Agenda ID2020, which is essentially the same architecture that will be used to roll out the Mark of the Beast. It can cover 200 points of information including “your bank account to your shopping habits, health records (vaccination records, of course), your political inclinations, and probably even your dating habits,”[iv] sharing the information with “every government agency, police department and private sector company that wants it.”[v] Well, that’s a good jumping off point for what follows. Along with the vaccine, ID2020 is serving as the vehicle to put in place a massive police state. This is the New World Order – and we are watching, especially the Western nations, formerly considered as the most democratic – but also with the Chinese – rolling out this population control mechanism.
Peter Koenig covers this in an article for Global Research. “Agenda ID2020 was designed by Bill Gates as part of the ‘vaccination package.’ It is backed by the Rockefeller Foundation, Accenture, the WEF and GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, now simply called the Vaccine Alliance), also a Gates creation (2001), with HQ in Geneva, Switzerland.” The Alliance is described as a public / private partnership with the World Health Organization, the Gates Foundation and some major pharmaceuticals on board. Now here’s the really creepy part. “The German extra-governmental Corona Commission, consisting of hundreds of medical doctors, virologists, immunologists, university professors – and lawyers, including Dr. Reiner Füllmich, co-founder of the Commission, has special concerns that the current Corona-Vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna), may include nano-particles that could be accessible to electro-magnetic radiation, i. e. 5G and the subsequent 6G.” Switzerland seems poised to join the ID2020 parade in March, providing links to every bit of information of every private citizen. The ultimate goal, “as foreseen by Bill Gates, the properties for an electronic ID – i. e. an electromagnetic field (EMF) – will be implanted in your body, either along with a vaccine – maybe it’s already happening with the covid jabs, or separately in the form of injectable nano-chips.” These chips would be able to be manipulated with electromagnetic (EM) waves using 5G technology.[vi]
In an earlier article, Koenig detailed the result. And mind you, Peter Koenig is not some tinfoil hat sporting yahoo. He is the former Senior Economist for both the World Bank and the WHO – and I’m not talking about the British rockers. He writes: “Once every citizen on the planet – according to Bill Gates – about 7 billion-plus will be ID-chipped, the control of a small globalist elite will be close to total. With an electromagnetic field and with 5G / 6G EM-waves allowing inputs and access of data in your body – the control of each individual is almost complete. ….This is supposed to be happening through a Brain Computer Interface (BCI), called Neurolink(https://neuralink.com/) – developed by Elon Musk. It presents an interface of electronic waves with the human brain which, by then, will have been converted into an electromagnetic field (EMF), so that it can receive digital commands that will influence our behavior, or can be turned off – RIP – as may be is most convenient for the Global Cabal.”[vii]
‘TO MASK OR NOT TO MASK? THAT IS THE QUESTION!’ – The UK publication, The Week, reports that towns across Sweden are banning the use of face masks. “Officials in Halmstad municipality recently forced a teacher to remove their mask and banned the use of all forms of PPE in schools.” The town was later forced to reverse itself. But the Swedish “public health agency has consistently stated that masks are ineffective and that their use could actually increase the spread of Covid-19.”[viii] The town found “no scientific evidence” for mask wearing. And as Hal Turner points out, the box of masks he purchased “clearly states it will not prevent any disease.”[ix]
Dr Fauci was of that same mind, at least when he was interviewed on 60 MINUTES back in the Spring of 2020. “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better, and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think it is.”[x] And then you have the studies that say that masking doesn’t work. Denis G Rancourt, PhD, reviewed, he wrote. “ There have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, which all show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like illnesses, or respiratory illnesses believed to be transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles. Furthermore, the relevant known physics and biology, which I review, are such that masks and respirators should not work. It would be a paradox if masks and respirators worked, given what we know about viral respiratory diseases: The main transmission path is long-residence-time aerosol particles (< 2.5 μm), which are too fine to be blocked, and the minimum-infective dose is smaller than one aerosol particle.”[xi] Finally a paper published by Swiss Policy Research concluded : “Most studies found little to no evidence for the effectiveness of cloth face masks in the general population, neither as personal protective equipment nor as a source control. A May 2020 meta-study on pandemic influenza published by the US CDC found that face masks had no effect, neither as personal protective equipment nor as a source control.”[xii]
[i] https://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/vaccine-education-center/vaccine-safety/antibody-dependent-enhancement-and-vaccines,
Viewed February 17, 2021
[ii]Lee, W.S., Wheatley, A.K., Kent, S.J. et al. Antibody-dependent enhancement and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and therapies. Nat Microbiol 5,
1185–1191 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41564-020-00789-5, – Nature.com
[iii] Karl Demminger, The West’s Obituary, Market Ticker, February 13, 2021
[iv] Peter Koenig, The Coronavirus Vaccine: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”, Global Research, February 2, 2021
[v] Stevie Ray Hansen, Satan Soldiers in Germany, H Newswire, February 11, 2021
[vi] Peter Koenig, Implanted “Vaccine Package” ID, February 3, 2021
[vii] Peter Koenig, The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”, Global Research, April 26, 2020
[viii] Chas Newkey-Burden, Swedish towns ban face masks despite mounting Covid death toll, The Week, February 11, 2021
[ix] Sweden Bans Masks, The Hal Turner Show, February 18, 2021
[x] March 2020: Dr. Anthony Fauci talks with Dr Jon LaPook about Covid-19, Mar 8, 2020
[xi] Dennis G Rancourt PhD, Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy, River Cities Reader,
June 11, 2020
[xii] Are Face Masks Effective? The Evidence, https://swprs.org/face-masks-evidence/, Updated February 2021
[…] com latest news: bill gates calls for a digital certificate to identify who is vaccinated – link to atp ministry DOT com lets talk covid vaccine […]