‘A noise has come to the end of the earth, For the LORD has a controversy with and an indictment against the nations. He is entering into judgment with all mankind; As for the wicked, He has given them to the sword,’ says the LORD.” (Jeremiah 25:31) (AMP)
Mankind is hurtling toward war on a scale never before seen and never before possible. The West is pushing Russia, seemingly trying to get them to respond in a way that could easily escalate into a full-blown nuclear war. Israel is in the process of dealing with their enemies, but in such a way that they are turning the whole world against them. Prophecies are on the edge of fulfillment.

THE MIDDLE EAST THEATER – On the night of April 1, the Israeli Air Force conducted an airstrike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus. Under international law, that is considered Iranian territory. So, legally, this was an attack on Iran. The attack killed the commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards in Syri, General Mohammad Reza Zahedi. It also took out a number of other generals as well as senior leaders of Lebanese Hezbollah. Even the Baghdad Post reported “This Israeli military strike was successful, and in its goal, they were involved in major war crimes in Syria and Lebanon, and they were also running an operations room to conspire against Jordan and Saudi Arabia.”[i] Almost immediately reports surfaced that CIA sources had warned that Iran would respond within 48 hours. That didn’t happen, however “significant activity” was reported at Tehran’s long-range missile sites. Iranian missiles are capable of targeting all of Israel as well as much of the Middle East, meaning American bases in the region are within range. Iran’s Supreme Leader, Khamenei warned that “Israel would face consequences” for this attack. Immediately after the strikes, the IDF went on high alert and the Pentagon began calling up veteran retirees. The US Armed Forces are facing an acute manpower shortage.[ii]

In the last few days things are really ramping up. Iran has informed the US and the UN that they intend to respond by hitting Israeli territory. Both Israel and Iran are engaging in electronic warfare. HTR reports that NATO is jamming GPS signals on behalf of Israel, hoping to interfere with the navigation of Iranian missiles. Iran is “jamming the entire Persian Gulf Area. Russia has reportedly activated its electronic warfare gear from Syria and is blinding Israeli radar sites, and jamming Israeli military radio frequencies. In addition, there are reports that – much like NATO & America are providing intel and materiel for Ukraine – Russia is doing the same for Iran. The former head of Israeli military intelligence, General Amos Yadlin, says that Iran has given Hezbollah orders to “open an all-out war on Israel.” According to Hal Turner, a Russian ‘policing force’ – including tanks and other armor, are continuing in positions on the Golan Heights, along the border between Israel and Syria.
Finally, that Iran’s written warning to the US to stand down in the face of any Iranian retaliation included a disclosure that “they have positioned Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (non-nuclear) in Venezuela, which have a range of 3,500 miles.” In response to all of this Israeli citizens are spontaneously evacuating major cities.
THE UKRAINIAN FRONT – The war in Ukraine is finally coming into focus. However, the reality on the ground has done little to dissuade the West from pushing further into this failed policy. The whole Ukraine Crisis really began with the overthrow of the democratically elected government in Kiev in 2014. This was accomplished through a color revolution aided and abetted by the CIA and specifically Victoria Nuland. America installed its’ own puppet government and Ukraine was put on a fast track to NATO membership – which would be replete with the placement of NATO missiles in Ukraine, just minutes away Moscow and the Russian nuclear arsenal. As the government in Ukraine – it’s NAZI elements included – engaged in shelling their own Russian-speaking citizens in the Donbass region – Moscow warned that they would not allow this situation to stand. So, Russia launched its’ special military operation – and the war in Ukraine began.

After two years, the fog is finally lifting. Ukraine is not winning. Given the present and foreseeable circumstances, Russia will achieve victory. Some sort of settlement was possible after just a few months of war. Zelensky was talking to the Russians and a working agreement was on the table. Zelensky’s Western handlers got wind of it and sent then British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to Kiev to order President Z to tear up the agreement and fight to the last Ukrainian. Now, that end is nearly inevitable without actual, boots-on-the-ground Western assistance. France’s Macron has proposed sending the French Army to take on the Ruskies. [I’m sure the Russians are trembling in their boots over that prospect.] The Russians have already faced the West’s ‘Wonder Weapons.’ NATO “ tanks, cruise missiles, armored personnel carriers, HIMARS precision-guided artillery and anti-missile batteries have all been destroyed, disabled or shot down by Russia.” In addition, Russia has hypersonic missiles and we don’t. And neither do we have the capability to shoot them down. The Vice President of the Russian Duma (Parliament) has “warned that French troops would be priority targets for Russian forces if they entered Ukraine.” Then there is the little matter of ammunition. The West has been stripping its’ cupboards bare of military supplies taking from NATO stocks as well as Israeli, Japanese and of course, American. We cannot produce enough 155mm artillery shells to keep Ukrainian troops in the field. Finally, add in the fact that according to Colonel Douglas MacGregor, nearly 600,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed. They are rounding up and sending boys to the front.
Look it. Putin has the record of a tyrant….but one who understands his country. The Russian people identify as Christians. They are Eastern Orthodox. They generally hold Christian values and Putin promotes them. Yes, he has had defectors poisoned when they spill state secrets. I’m sure our intel community acts in similar ways under similar circumstances. I do not excuse the evil he has wrought. But he is not alone on that stage. Whatever the calculation of right and wrong in this situation, Russia is facing an existential crisis. We have heard of plans to defeat Russia and divide it up. Israel won’t stand for that! Neither will Russia. And so, with the threat of planting NATO missiles just minutes away from Moscow, Russia has drawn a line. And it is a line, that if crossed, could lead to nuclear war and the end of the world as we know it. JFK faced very much the same thing during the Cuban Missile Crisis. America wouldn’t stand for it then. Moscow, says now, they cannot live with that. That is our starting point today….Whatever happened in the past is irrelevant. Today we face the specter of nuclear annihilation!
Once the war began in Ukraine, it was the West – (the United States & NATO) – that set up the Ukrainians to take on Russia. It is something they had been working on since they captured the government in Ukraine back in 2014. It was the US and allies that brought an end to the Nord Stream Pipeline. We blew it up! It was Victoria Nuland again, that war-mongering-Deep-State-Operative, that gave the game away along with President Brandon. The loss of that pipeline is right now destroying the economy of Germany….Yet dutifully, Germany is right not, preparing for war against Russia. Industries are leaving. [It’s like part of the Western Death Wish…..They profess they are wise, yet they are fools.] The ‘Coalition of the Foolish’ has managed to set a yet more dangerous tripwire that could lead to ‘mutual annihilation.’ Jim Rickards: “NATO is preparing to send F-16s to Ukraine. Airfields in Ukraine are highly vulnerable to Russian attack, especially since Ukraine’s air defenses are heavily depleted at this point and the Russian air force is becoming increasingly active in Ukraine. But if NATO allows the F-16s to be based on its own airbases, Putin has warned that these airfields would become a “legitimate target” if strikes against Russian forces were launched from them.”[iii]
Russia already has a legitimate inclination to distrust the West. The Minsk Accords were put in place in 2015 to protect the Russian minorities in Ukraine. But the West always just saw that as an opportunity to build up the Ukrainian military to fight Russia. That is all it ever really was. Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted that publicly. This is a secret no longer. And then, Nord Stream in hand, more and more evidence is coming out that the terror attack that killed well over 100 and wounded another 200 in Moscow in March, was another Western production. And true or not, the Russians believe this to be true. And therein lies the danger. It seems abundantly clear: The US & the UK & Ukraine are working to push Russia into launching retaliatory attacks and opening the way for America and NATO to come in openly against the Russians. In the course of things, America is preparing for a massive war in Europe. “Over 1,500 pieces of equipment were loaded onto the USNS Charlton for deployment!! The ship will be strategically positioned at sea for rapid deployment of a brigade combat team to Eastern Europe or the Middle East, ensuring a quick response in the event of any possible war!!!”[iv]
Putin has announced his readiness for nuclear war. He is trying to dissuade the West. Yet still they push for war. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov summed it up. “Revelations have now slipped to the level of direct confrontation. NATO was already involved in the conflict surrounding Ukraine and continues to move towards our borders and expand its military infrastructure towards our borders.” There is no more meaningful communication going on between NATO & Russia. And that is a very dangerous place to be.[v]
And as I finish this article – I have seen reports – and await word – of an impending Iranian attack on Israel proper, Then, where does it go from there? So, we continue with wars and rumors, the first stirring of birth pangs, with more to come, both more painful and more frequent. We are on the on ramp to the Last Days!
[i] ‘Iran will not respond’, Jerusalem Post, April 3, 2024
[ii] Intel: Significant Activity at Iran Long-Range Missile Sites, Hal Turner Radio, April 2, 2024
[iii] Jim Rickards, Ukraine’s Starting to Get Dangerous, The Burning Platform, April 4, 2024
[iv] US Pre-Positioning Military Gear for Two Possible Wars!, Hal Turner Radio, April 3, 2024
[v] RUSSIA: WE HAVE “SLIPPED” INTO WAR WITH NATO, Hal Turner Radio, April 4, 2024
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