“And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.” (Luke 17:26)
There is a school of thought out there that holds that life on earth was seeded from another planet. It is called PAN-SPERMIA. It posits that these beings who seeded our planet with life, are visiting us to help us…even advance our evolution. We see the Pentagon releasing more & more information that they had previously kept hidden. The UFOs are real, they are now saying. And they don’t belong to the Chinese or the Russians. American military commanders tell us that these craft, on several occasions have disabled or shut down our nuclear missiles. Then you’ve got Vatican officials talking openly about preparing to embrace space aliens. There is talk of baptizing them…sharing the Gospel with them. There is even talk of altering our understanding of the scriptures….or the Gospel – based on what these supposed space aliens reveal to us. This sounds like complete lunacy. But there is scriptural precedent for all of this. In the past we talked about the Cosmic Infiltration that has already occurred when the “the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose.” You can find that in Genesis Chapter 6. And these unions between the fallen angels & humans produced the Nephilim or “giants” in some translations. There used to be hard evidence of their existence. Newspaper accounts and pictures survive from the late 1800s & early 1900s. Gigantic humanoid skeletons were unearthed. (On occasion, some will from time-to-time surface today.) But then agents of the Smithsonian and like-minded organizations came and collected the bones and they were never seen or heard of again. These bones were found in the US and all-across the world. So yes, there has been a Cosmic Infiltration indeed and it was talked about in the Bible. And it is coming again. But it will not be from another planet. It will come from another dimension entirely. I believe, it will likely lead to the Great Apostasy that will affect the entire planet….It will produce the lie that damns.
“When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. …The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.” (Genesis 6:1-2, 4)
On the face of it this has to be the craziest looking verse in the Scriptures. If we want to find out what it means, we’re going to have to look deeply into its meaning. Let’s start with the phrase, “sons of God.” The Hebrew term is B’nai HaElohim, or the sons of Elohim, – used in the Old Testament to describe angels. Angels? Which angels? Well we get a clue from looking at Jude 1:6-7; “…the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode…as Sodom and Gomorrah…having given themselves over to sexual immorality and strange flesh.” So, we’re talking about Fallen Angels here, Satan’s minions, those who followed him in rebellion; – and then partook in what another translation describes as “fornication” with the daughters of men. These angels had left their “proper domain” or left “their first estate.”
In other words, – as is the ability of angels, – they took on some sort of physical form to copulate with human women to produce the “Nephilim” or “mighty men” of old.[i] Now according to the Torah, ancient rabbinical sources and the early Church fathers, the Nephilim referred to the offspring, – products of this union between Fallen Angels and human women.[ii] What’s also interesting is that the notion that evil spirit beings procreated with humans creating “weird hybrid offspring” is found in the mythology of almost all ancient cultures; – from the Middle East to India, to the South Seas to America’s Indians.[iii] The mythology of the ancient Greeks, Middle Eastern, Nordic and other peoples are filled with stories of sexual unions between god/men and demigods.
What’s really interesting is that this commonality of beliefs across cultures extended in so many areas relating to the story of man’s origins and his relationships with the spirit world. Even more amazing is the fact that these cultures all, – at least in a dim way, – paralleled the story found in Holy Scripture. The belief systems of the most ancient of cultures in Sumer, Mesopotamia, Babylon and down to the Greeks, – in fact all pagan systems; – were rooted in the very beginning with a belief in an all-powerful creator God. In their respective scenarios this was uniformly followed by a struggle between the “ruler of the heavens” and a “ruler of the air”. This story exactly mirrors Biblical[iv] belief, with Ephesians 2:2 referring to Satan as “the prince of the power of the air.” Characterizing his evil nature, the passage goes on to describe him as “the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience.”

There is a further tie. The man called Nimrod in Genesis, – (the founder of False religion and builder of the Tower of Babel), – is the same as a character found in the literature of the Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians and others. The name given there is Gilgamesh; – and he is described as 2/3 god and 1/3 man, evil of appetite, – pornographically depraved and acting in direct defiance of the God of Israel. (Even the text of the pagan Gilgamesh Epic suggests this. The language of Genesis 10:9 directly parallels that found in the written version of that Mesopotamian myth.)[v]
So let’s go down yet a little deeper. All these manifestations of the pagan religions came with a pantheon of gods and demigods. It mirrors closely the Scriptural account of the activities of the Fallen Angels presented in Genesis 6. Beginning in Genesis 10, references are made to the “land of Shinar,” which means ‘Land of the Watchers’. And Daniel 4 refers repeatedly to “Watchers” which it equates with “holy one[s]” sent from God to accomplish specific tasks. That is precisely the role that Scripture assigns to angelic beings; to serve as messengers for God. Of course there were angels, or watchers who, with Satan, rebelled against God. Egyptians believed they migrated originally from Watcher territory, – “from which the gods came into Egypt”. The Book of the Dead, Sumerian literature and extra-Biblical literature such as the Book of Enoch, – all refer to Watchers. This is a concept described in that Book of Enoch as “Watchers of the heaven who have left the high heaven, the holy eternal place, and have defiled themselves with women.” (From: 1Enoch 10)
In his 1970’s best seller Chariots of the God’s, Erich Von Daniken popularized the notion that there is a direct connection between the Nephilim (Watchers & pagan gods and their hybrid offspring), – with the flying saucers and alien presence that seems to have manifested itself with increasing frequency since 1948. He ties the alien “Greys” with these demonic presences.[vi] Look at Luke 21:25-26: “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with….men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.” Now look at another passage, Luke 17:26. “And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man.” What is it that Jesus is warning of in these two passages? Chuck Missler asks: “Is it possible that UFOs – and their occupants – are part of an end-times scenario?”[vii] It is interesting that according to New Age / Illuminatti author Peter Lemesurier, they are indeed. In his 1981 book, The Armageddon Script, he reveals a plan to bring about One-World-Government under a New Messiah, that includes, – (besides some very specific wars and a nuclear crisis with North Korea), – a plan to have alien beings manifest themselves to mankind.[viii] When I first read that, it sounded so crazy to me that I kept it out of a series of lectures and writings that I was doing at the time; – to protect the perception of my own sanity. I have since become convinced that the idea of an alien invasion has become mainstreamed in a large portion of New Age / Illuminati thinking.
Von Daniken is not the only expert on the extraterrestrial phenomena to see a connection between the supposed space alien and the beings from another dimension. There are several reasons why this way of thinking seems entirely logical. First there is the observed behavior of UFOs. Studying the rash of sightings in Mexico in the 90’s, one expert described how these objects “defy physics as we understand” it.[ix] In general, very reliable sources such as pilots, law enforcement officers etc, report that these flying objects change shape, dematerialize, “merge into a single object,” and increase their speed as much as six-fold in a single second. They could seemingly appear and disappear at will, defy physics by making right angle turns at 15,000 mph and travel 25,000 mph without making a sonic boom[x] They display properties of being both physical and massless at the same time, – yet leaving the physical evidence of their presence by showing up on radar as well as through burn marks and radiation. The world’s leading UFOlogist , Jacques Valee, (not a Christian), says “UFO’s may not come from ordinary space…[this phenomena]…transcends time and transcends space.” Valee believes that we are “dealing instead with a parallel universe.”[xi] In their book Alien Encounters, Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman point out that what we are likely confronting is other dimensions, – perceived as it were, – in only a very limited way. Human beings are used to operating in only 3-dimensions. Scientists now believe there may be as many as ten or more.
What Are We Talking About?
As crazy as all of this may sound, those who look at these things realize that something is happening that requires explanation. Ever since the Roswell incident in 1947,(the supposed crash of an alien space craft into the New Mexican desert, – complete with recovered ‘space alien’) – thousands upon thousands of sightings have been recorded of what very reliable people believe to be craft and beings from outside of the earthly realm. Thousands more believe they have been abducted. Here’s some of the evidence.
- In January of 2007, United Airlines employees (they know their way around planes, I’d say), reported seeing a flying saucer like craft hovering and bolting about.[xii]
- Again in that same month a retired F-16 pilot made a similar sighting over Arkansas.[xiii] In their 1997 book, Missler & Eastman pointed to over 700 UFO reports by pilots alone.[xiv]
- During the 1990’s in Mexico there were numerous sightings and photographs and videotapes, – some witnessed by high ranking government officials, – of whole fleets of UFO’s – repeatedly.[xv]
Phoenix Lights From November 1989 to March 1990 occurred something dubbed ‘The Belgian Wave’, when over 26,000 sightings were reported, – many by government and military officials.[xvi]
- In March of 1997, both CNN and FOX broadcast footage of flocks of UFOs flying in formation over Phoenix, Arizona.[xvii] [xviii] UFOs continue to make appearances over Phoenix on a regular basis.
- Not long ago India’s mainstream media reported that the government is contemplating ‘coming clean’ about the whole UFO phenomena. According to the India Daily, “all the five nuclear powers are in contact with the beings from other stars for quite some time.” According to the paper however, there are international protocols that prohibit disclosure, – in order to prevent panic.[xix]
For years the US government has been downplaying and denying any possible connection between UFOs – (now called Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon or UAPs) – and alien life. But that now, is all changed. The Pentagon will soon be releasing classified documents that reveal what we really know. Gone are the days of Operation Blue Book from 1952 to 1969 which rejected the possibility of extraterrestrial origin. Here’s their summary.
- “No UFO reported, investigated, and evaluated by the Air Force was ever an indication of threat to our national security;
- There was no evidence submitted to or discovered by the Air Force that sightings categorized as ‘unidentified’ represented technological developments or principles beyond the range of modern scientific knowledge; and
- There was no evidence indicating that sightings categorized as “unidentified” were extraterrestrial vehicles”[xx]

That was then and this was now. Lue Elizondo, the former Director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (ATTIP) – now defunct – showed Tucker Carlson a document obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. He told the FOX host, “It demonstrates quite clearly that we have had issues with these UAPs [Unidentified Aerial Phenomena]…at least since 1950, probably earlier. And this is official US government correspondence. This isn’t some eyewitness report from a civilian. This is official government documentation from military personnel to very senior military brass.” He went on to say that these ‘encounters’ were occurring on “a continuing basis.” Elizondo was giving credence to the reports that many have seen that the UAPs were targeting “sensitive US military facilities,” especially those with military capabilities. He went on to make the case that these did not originate on this planet. This was not Russian or Chinese technology. He observed, that the US has been tracking these incidents for 7 decades.[xxi]
In June of 2019, History.com reported: “In the last 75 years, high-ranking U.S. military and intelligence personnel have also reported UAPs near sites associated with nuclear power, weaponry and technology—from the early atomic-bomb development and test sites to active nuclear naval fleets.” Most recently, they have been “stalking nuclear carrier strike groups.”[xxii]
In 2010, a UFO researcher by the name of Robert Hastings put together a forum for some 120 military personnel that had had encounters with UFOs. They had all seen the objects flying near our nuclear facilities. Former Air Force Captain told of seeing “a red glowing object just in front of the base’s front gate,” at Malstrom Air Force Base where 10 ICBMs were being housed. During the course of the incident, all ten became inactivated. No official report of the incident existed.[xxiii] CBS News also reported on the gathering. “Robert Jamison, a retired USAF nuclear missile targeting officer, told of several occasions having to go out and ‘re-start’ missiles that had been deactivated, after UFOs were sighted nearby.”[xxiv]
That’s just a sampling of the body of evidence of something going on, that is cutting across cultural lines, all across the globe. That same record of other-worldly contact exists across ancient cultures too. Myths and historical records (drawings, pictographs), were but the efforts of those societies to communicate something about that contact. It was about 5,500 years ago that Sumerian civilization sprang into being, – seemingly out of nowhere. In the words of Tom Horn, the Sumerians appeared with a fully developed “first written language and a corpus of progressive knowledge – from complicated religious concepts, to an advanced understanding of astrology, chemistry, and mathematics.” Sumerian, then Assyria and later the Zoroastrian and even Egyptian hieroglyphs provided a detailed record of contact with beings, (gods), that descended from the sky on “flying discs”.[xxv] So if we’ve established that something is definitely going on; we need to ask ourselves: ‘What could it all mean?’. Well, elements of the Roman Catholic Church believe they may have a good clue as to the answer. And, if taken in that direction, it may indeed be a set-up for the fulfillment of End Times’ prophecy. So, stay tuned for the next installment. It’s going to get very interesting.
[i] Chuck Missler, Mischievous Angels or Sethites?, Personal Update News Journal, Koinia House, August 1997
[ii] Wikipedia, article on Nephilim
[iii] Chuck Missler, Mischievous Angels or Sethites?, Personal Update News Journal, Koinia House, August 1997
[iv] Tom Horn, Stargates, Ancient Rituals, And Those Invited Through The Portal, Part 3
[v] Dr David P Livingston, Nimrod: Who was he?…, Associates For Bible Research, Bible Encyclopedia
[vi] Tom Horn, Stargates, Ancient Rituals, And Those Invited Through The Portal, Part III
[vii] Chuck Missler, The Return of the Nephilim, Personal Update News Journal, September 1997
[viii] Peter Lemesurier, The Armageddon Script, 1981, pg 222 and following
[ix] Brit Elders as quoted in his work UFOs Over Mexico, Connecting Link, pg 94, – My source: Chuck Missler & Mark Eastman,
Koinia House, 1997, pg 77
[x] Chuck Missler & Mark Eastman, Koinia House, 1997, pgs 67-78
[xi] Jacques Valee quoted in Chuck Missler & Mark Eastman, Alien Encounters, Koinonia House, 1997, pgs 81 & 95
[xii] Chicago Tribune, January 1, 2007
[xiii] UFO frenzy ignited by Air Force Officer, World Net Daily, January 19, 2007
[xiv] Chuck Missler & Mark Eastman, Alien Encounters, Koinia House, 1997, pg 66
[xv] Santiago Yturria, Amazing UFO Fleets Over Mexico, Rense, June 6, 2005
[xvi] Chuck Missler & Mark Eastman, Alien Encounters, Koinia House, 1997, pg 71
[xvii] Prashant Solomon, The Lights Over Phoenix, UFOIndia
[xviii] James Neff, The Phoenix Lights, Rense, August 16, 2003
[xix] India may be the first country to explain to the world about extra-terrestrial and UFO contacts…, India Daily, January 6, 2005
[xxi] Lue Elizondo: US has been tracking UFOs for 70 years, Tucker Carlson Tonight, June 4, 2021
[xxii] History.com, viewed June 7, 2021
[xxiii] UFO expert: Aliens cautioning humans on nukes, Stars & Stripes, September 27, 2010
[xxiv] Ex-Air Force Personnel: UFOs Deactivated Nukes, CBS, September 28, 2010
[xxv] Tom Horn, Stargates, Ancient Rituals, And Those Invited Through The Portal, Part 3, viewed June 7, 2021
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