YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW – Here it is in short. A short time back, the UK said they were going to ship depleted Uranium munitions to Ukraine. Russia said, don’t do it. If it is used they will consider it to be equivalent to a tactical nuke and respond in kind. London sent it over anyway. About $500 million worth of the ammo was stored in a single munition dump. So, Russia sent over some missiles to take out the munitions there. Now, here’s the fallout [pun intended]. “Radiation and poisonous Uranian Dust has reached Lublin, Poland, from the ammunition dump hit in Ukraine last Friday….Those who were outdoors and breathes the poisonous, radioactive, dust, are highly likely to suffer serious respiratory illness, and later, lung cancer. Now that the dust has arrived, and som e of it presumably settled on the ground, rain will carry it into ground water, where it will quietly POISON the water for decades. Women who drink the water, especially while pregnant, will likely miscarry (lose) the baby, or see it born with hideous birth defects.”[i] Westerners there are fleeing.

CLUELESS – First it was Bud Light shooting themselves with the transgender gun. Now, it’s Sports Illustrated. I don’t think the SI Swimsuit Issue should be a thing to promote, but talk about not knowing their audience! This headline tells it all. “Sports Illustrated 2023 Swimsuit Issue to Feature Transgender Biological Man on Cover.” Here’s a picture of the dude. I didn’t want to show more because vomiting is NOT one of my featured hobbies. 81-year-old Martha Stewart is another of their cover girls.
[i] Radiation from Ukraine Reaches Lublin, Poland!, Hal Turner Radio, May 16, 2023
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