Whether it is Columbia or UCLA or one of the many other campuses around the country, the story is much the same. Pro-Palestinian protestors have taken over major portions of campuses. Palestinian flags have been raised in place of the American flag. Classes have been disrupted. Jewish students are harassed. There are calls for genocide of the Jews. When interviewed, some protestors have said they were ok with the beheading of Israeli babies by Hamas terrorists which occurred on October 7th. At Columbia University, some Jewish students have been “punched, shoved, spat upon, and blocked from attending classes or moving freely on campus.” Banners and signs reading “Death to the Jews,” “Long live Hamas,” and “Globalize the Intifada.”[i] Graffiti on the UCLA campus called for Revolution and again, Intifada. [The Intifada is an often violent “resistance movement” employed by the Palestinians employed by the against Israelis. In 2015 – 2016, there were over 200 stabbing attacks, over 80 shootings and numerous car ramming incidents primarily against Israeli civilians. This was just one of the Intifadas employed.][ii] In addition, Marxism was being pushed at UCLA, with the ‘Hammer & Sickel,’ – the symbol of Communism being prevalent.
The on-campus protestors on many campuses are a mixed bag. According to the Wall Street Journal, there are the ‘professionals’ being paid for by the likes of Soros’-connected groups and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.[iii] George Soros has a long history of funding Marxist-leaning and ‘Color Revolutions’ around the globe. Reported figures has some of these organizers receiving anywhere from $2,800 to over $7,000. The Soros-funded, Students for Justice in Palestine have been behind the organizing efforts on many campuses throughout the nation.[iv] The Rockefellers “shelled out more than $2.6 million since 2018 directly or indirectly to at least six anti-Israel organizations, several of which openly celebrated Hamas’ Oct 7 terrorist attack on the Jewish state.”[v]
The other group taking part in the protests could be referred to as “useful idiots,” a term for individuals who aid in a cause – especially a Communist cause – without a complete understanding of the ramifications of their support. Writing in the UK’s Telegraph, Alister Heath describes them.
“Their childish, self-important antics would be risible were their normalisation of hatred not so ominous, their rejection of democratic, liberal and conservative norms alike not so terrifying. Previous generations of protesters at least had a cause, sometimes a very powerful and just one….[They] hate the West, hate America, hate Britain, hate Israel, and want to tear down everything great about our civilisation. The keffiyeh-clad protesters claim to support the Palestinian cause, but are staggeringly ignorant about the realities of the Middle East. They entirely lack theological understanding. They don’t know any history, ancient or modern, and often readily admit as much. They have no idea how many peace deals the Palestinian establishment has rejected over the decades, and couldn’t really care less. They spout whatever fake news is fed to them via TikTok, or the latest made-up statistics from the Hamas health authorities. They wave LGBTQ+ flags while chanting ‘from the river to the sea,’ not realising that gay people are routinely murdered in Islamist dictatorships.”[vi]
The Lie Behind the Protests
What is perhaps saddest is that these protests are being waged in support of a false cause. The conflict between Jews and Arabs began thousands of years ago. But the saddest part is that this is a conflict based on a myth – and that myth is the existence of the Palestinian People. What’s really going on is a giant fake news story. The lie has gone on so long that now that news commentators and world leaders are buying into it. Former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir once declared: “There is no such thing as a Palestinian people.”[vii] That was like wow politically incorrect and absolutely historically true. And this is supported by the very Arabs that invented and pushed the lie. In 1977, Zahir Muhsein, a member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization to the Dutch paper Trouw, in which he spilled the beans.
“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism. For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.”[viii]
The fact is: Israel moved into the territories only after Arab countries initiated wars of annihilation against the Jewish presence. Those Arab countries included Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Yemen. Did you notice? No Palestine! It didn’t exist. In the entire period from Israel’s modern founding in 1948 until the end of the 6-Day War, in 1967, (during the whole time that Egypt controlled Gaza and Jordan held the West Bank), – no mention was ever made of the Palestinian People.[ix] Curiously and conveniently, they only found their voice after that disastrous war. So let’s look at the History of the Land.”
In the beginning: There was no Palestine. The Israeli conquest took about 200 years beginning in 1200 BC. Before that Amalekites, Jebusites, Hittites, Amorites, and Canaanites among others, occupied the Land: – There were no Palestinians.[x] Over time, as Israel struggled in their commitment to God, they struggled to maintain control of the land. Babylonians, Persians, Hasmoneans and Romans took their turns at ruling The Holy Land. Back around 63 BC, Rome turned the formerly independent Israel into an administrative district they renamed Palestine. (Since that time, all the peoples who would occupy the Land became known as Palestinians; – whether Greeks, Arabs or Jews.) In time the Caesars grew tired of an Israel always in revolt against Rome. In AD 70 and again in 135, Roman legions destroyed Jerusalem and dispersed hundreds of thousands of Jews into all the nations of the world. Yet through the centuries, a remnant always remained. In the centuries that followed came Byzantine Greeks, the conquering armies of Islam, the Crusaders, Mamluks, Ottoman Turks, and after WWI, – the British. Then in 1948, Israel regained a part of the Land.[xi] The fact is The Jews have had a continuous presence there for 33 centuries. Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital since that time. As a matter of record, Mohammed never once even visited the Holy City. In fact it wasn’t until 635 AD that conquering Islamic armies, wrested control from its legitimate Jewish owners. So any Islamic claim can date only back to the 7th century; – while the Jewish presence always remained, even under Islamic occupation.
Now, in the midst of World War I, Britain issued the Balfour Declaration declaring its’ intentions to establish “in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.”[xii] In 1923, the Brits divided Palestine into two districts; – 75% for Arabs and about a quarter for Jews. This was the creation of Jordan (or Trans-Jordan) , a state designated for the Arabs of Palestine to the east of the Jordan River. In 1947, the UN divided the one-quarter of Palestine that was still allotted to the Jews even further. The Jews accepted this new arrangement while the Arab population rejected it, demanding all of Palestine. The surrounding Arab nations prepared to destroy the fledgling state. Despite the odds and knowing the consequences of their actions, the Israelis went ahead with their declaration. The next day, five Arab nations invaded the new country. The troops of Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Transjordan and Lebanon invaded from all points of the compass. God’s Word had spoken to this, thousands of years before. “Before she goes into labor, she gives birth; before the pains come upon her, she delivers a son. Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children.” (Isaiah 66:7-8) Israel had indeed been born in one day and the labor of war followed the birth of the nation.
In the wars of 1948, 1967 and 1973, coalitions of Arab states came against Israel and lost territory each time. It was these territorial losses that ironically inspired the Arabs to invent the national aspirations of the so-called Palestinian People. In reality, the Palestinians were just the ancestors of Arabs who had migrated to the Land beginning in the late 19th century. They are ethnically, historically, religiously and culturally the same as those living in Jordan; – the state created for them out of the old British Mandate. That is exactly what was acknowledged by Zahir Mushein.
It is this lie of Palestinian nationhood that is now driving the war in the wars against Israel. It is the fiction of the existence of a Palestinian People that is ‘inspiring’ the protests, rioting and violence against the Jews in America. It is being used to foment what they hope will be a Marxist revolution. The movement that is being birthed is a direct attack on the founding principles of America and what remains of the Judeo-Christian ethic that serves as the foundational underpinning of Western Civilization. This is nothing less than a battle for the soul of the nation.
A Ray of Hope
So, we see the protest riots and note the funding and have to ask: Why? Yes, Soros has a history of support for revolutions. The Rockefellers have a history of funding eugenics aimed at Jews, Nazi Germany, Iran and groups designated as terrorist organizations.[xiii] These are dangerous groups that are being released and financed by what are long-considered establishment entities. But it is just such entities that are working on many fronts to take down the United States. As we confront this nascent revolution and attempt to destroy America, I am reminded of similar riots and upheaval we experienced in the 1960s. Our campuses were on fire then too. You had the Viet Nam War protests, college take-overs, the Students for a Democratic Society, the very-Marxist Weather Underground, the riots at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968 – and so much more. But just as that revolutionary movement was reaching its’ high-water mark another revolution swept across the nation: The Jesus Revolution. It brought millions into the Kingdom of God – and so many from a demographic that many saw as hopelessly lost. I believe we are seeing the first stirrings of such a movement again. Scattered revivals have been breaking out in various parts of the country. And some churches are seeing mass growth, not only in numbers – but more importantly in commitment, in depth of worship, in love of others. There, is something to pray for. A target, if you will. A revival in God’s Church and the nation at large. We live in very dark times and are being assaulted on so many fronts. But there is assurance in God’s Word. “When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.” (Isaiah 59:19) Lord empower us as Your workers. Anoint us as Your planters and waterers….laborers in Your fields….And we will praise You as You give the increase….Let us smell the sweet smell of the next phase of another Jesus Revolution
[i] Lawyer for Columbia Student: ‘There Are Explicit Calls for Genocide of Jews’, Artistree News / MSN.com, May 2, 2024
[ii] Israel-Palestine: outlook bleak as wave of violence passes six-month mark. the Guardian. March 31, 2016
[iii] Ira Stoll, Some Anti-Israel Protesters Are Paid, Wall Street Journal, April 24, 2024
[iv] Isabel Vincent, George Soros is paying student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests, New York Post,
April 26, 2024
[v] Jon Levine, Rockefeller Brothers Fund funding pro-Palestinian groups, New York Post, December 22, 2023
[vi] Alister Heath, West-hating pro-Palestinian protests are a harbinger of much worse to come, The Telegraph, May 1, 2024
[vii]Joseph Farah, Palestinian people do not exist, World Net Daily, July 11, 2002
[viii] Interview with Zahir Mushein, as recorded by Trouw (Netherlands), March 31, 1977, as quoted in Farah, Palestinian people do not exist, World Net Daily, July 11, 2002
[ix] Jerry, Golden, It’s all one big lie, The Golden Report, August 14, 2005
[x] Numbers Chapter 13, The Bible
[xi] Jerry, Golden, It’s all one big lie, The Golden Report, August 14, 2005
[xii] The Balfour Declaration: Britain’s fatal mistake in Palestine, Middle East Eye, viewed October 19, 2023
[xiii] The Rockefeller Brothers’ anti-Semitism shows itself, Williamsport Sun-Gazette, April 23, 2024
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