The ‘Campus Revolution’ did not just appear out of nowhere. It is the next phase of a transformational movement that has in the short-run played out over decades – in the mid-term, centuries – and in the long-run, millennia. It is the process that has allowed the ‘Triumph of Evil.’
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20)
The moral bankruptcy of the American / Western culture was a long time in the making. It was a case of gradualism, of incremental change, until it reached the point where many cannot even recognize evil when it parades in front of their face. It was a slow boil. We have gone from banning prayer in schools, to allowing abortion, to defining homosexuality as normal, to gay marriage, to celebrating both and labeling as bigots anyone who holds to biblical values on these issues. This is the path of societal deconstruction. Each time one goal is achieved, the goal posts are moved and another takes its’ place. Now transgenderism has become the latest cause célèbre. Just in the lifetime of the Boomers, we’ve seen marriage torn down, beach fashion bordering on the pornographic, not to mention the explosion of pornography and the exploitation of children. Violent criminals are not punished. Election integrity is gone. Our Department of Justice has been weaponized against political enemies. And among some demographics at least, there is beginning to be a wholesale rejection of the old values including the the Judeo-Christian value system. The notion of an idealistic and virtuous America, serving as a light to the world is scorned and mocked. [The turning on America is somewhat understandable. Our youngest generations have little knowledge or experience of the true value of the American system. They have watched its’ warping as our political elite promote the bloody adventures of foreign wars and modern-day colonialism always in search of more control and more profit. Our education system and media promote the narrative of America as an evil entity.] Some campuses have even seen many of the students converting to Islam, reinforcing the radicalization of that generation, Polls tell us that a majority of them support Hamas.

Lulled by a media complicit in seeking our destruction and lost in our own self-seeking adventures, we have constructed God’s of our own liking. These are idols bent to the acceptance of our surrender to our personal temptations. These ‘gods’ wink at our weaknesses and celebrate and comfort us in our lostness. There is no sin in this world. There is no evil. Only choice. We succumb to the offer of the dragon in the Garden: “ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:5) (KJV)
The modern West can no longer even recognize or feel evil. We are both objects and soldiers in the Greatest Battle – and we cannot see it because of its’ spiritual nature. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12)
But the fact is, spiritual darkness manifests in the physical world. At George Washington University, protestors “called for the beheadings of school administrators” chanting guillotine. The activists staged fake trials in which they condemned University President Ellen Granberg and Provost Christopher Bracey to the guillotine. They chanted: “Bracey, Bracey, we see you. You assault students too. Off to the motherf****** gallows with you.” Earlier they had defaced a statue of George Washington with graffiti a Palestinian flag and a keffiyeh.[i]
Listen to what the leader of the Columbia University protests had to say. “Zionists do not deserve to live.” He was questioned by the faculty. They asked him, “What resources do you feel are available to you at Columbia?” No, condemnation. No removal from school. No disciplinary action. Just, ‘What do you need?’ That was the reaction of the University administrators. The money behind the protests and the paid organizers grasp better what is going on here. Many of the students are clueless. But they have been coopted by the spirit of the revolt. Let’s try to understand just what they are supporting.

In Gaza and the West Bank, Palestinians hit the streets in the aftermath of October 7th to celebrate the slaughter of over 1,200 mostly civilian Israelis. Hundreds were raped and taken hostage. Babies were beheaded. Children burned in front of their parents. Some children put into ovens. In America, women’s groups were silent. Israel delivers and stages tons of food and humanitarian supplies in Gaza. It is robbed by Hamas to be sold at premium prices to their own people. Hamas hides behind civilians in hospitals and schools. So, here is the bottom line of it all. When the protestors march in support of Hamas, they are championing the rape of young women at a music festival, the taking of hostages of all ages, brutal murder of children.[ii]
This is not just the violent reactions of some minority of Gen Z-ers. In a poll taken in late October of 2023, 51% of those between 18 and 24 believed “Hamas’s violence against Israeli civilians was justified.” 62% of that same group said that the action was genocidal. Take that in for a moment. In their minds Hamas action was genocidal – but it was OK![iii] A few months later, “Harvard-Harris polling, found 51% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 said they believed the long-term answer to the Israel-Palestinian conflict was for ‘Israel to be ended and given to Hamas and the Palestinians.’”[iv]
A Deeper Connection
It is not at all a stretch to make the statement that the protestors are de facto acting in support of terrorism and murder. There is a history to it that connects Hamas and movements of that ilk to the darkest moments of the 20th century. What is going on in American colleges is not just reminiscent of the activities of German university students in the 1930s where groups like the National Socialist German Student League carried the torch for intimidation and harassment of Jews even organizing shaming rituals and book burnings. The fact is there was a real political connection between the Jew hatred of Nazi Germany and that found in the Middle East.[v]
There is a very real connection between the Nazis, Osama bin Laden and Hamas and Hezbollah and most of the other Islamo-terrorist groups in existence. They all hate the Jews and work for their destruction. They all have become cultures of death. The rhetoric spewed by these groups do not just mirror Hitlerian language. They were nurtured by that movement. There is very little difference between the raging Nazi Holocaust and the ever-expanding practice of Jihad. As recently as 2002, Hitler’s Mein Kampf was # 6 on the best-seller list among Palestinian Arabs.[vi]
The modern history of the movement dates back to about 1920 when a little known Arab, Haj Amin al Husseini led a bloody attack against Jews praying at the Wailing Wall.[vii] He was arrested, sentenced and released by the British and in 1922 appointed Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, and head of the Supreme Muslim Council.[viii] It was Husseini who played sidekick to Hassan al-Banna, in getting the whole Arab / terror thing going. Al-Banna was the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, which would become the granddaddy of today’s Arab terror movement. In the early 1930’s as Hitler began his to rise to power in Germany, the Muslim Brotherhood took on new life. Membership rose from about 800 to over 200,000 just before the outbreak of World War II. It was centered now in Egypt, where it sponsored mass demonstrations and violence against Jewish immigration. “Jews Get Out of Egypt and Palestine!” was their motto. An offshoot, the Young Egypt movement, like the Nazis staged torchlight processions with the slogan, “One folk, One part, One leader.”[ix] The movement called for a new order based on Sharia law. Hassan al-Banna, its founder wrote that a nation that “perfects the industry of death” would be the recipient of God’s graces. So they adopted not only Nazi tactics, – but received Nazi funding through the German legation in Cairo. The fact is that the Muslim Brotherhood had managed to radicalize, – to use a modern term, – the Arab Street, by inculcating a culture of death and hatred for the Jew. Nazi-like formations of chanting radicalized Arabs marched through the streets, saluting this culture of death and chanting; – “We are not afraid of death, we desire it.”[x]
At the onset of World War II, these radicalized Arabs became the natural allies of the Axis forces fighting the British and Americans in North Africa. It was Hitler’s plan to bring the Holocaust to the Middle East; a goal with which this radical Islamic movement wholly agreed. Syrians hit the streets to celebrate the Germans defeat of France in 1940. The Grand Mufti, Husseini, (the uncle of Yassir Arafat), went to Germany where he declared his goal to be the “destruction of Jewry living in” the Arab lands. He asked Hitler’s government to approve the extermination of Palestine’s Jewish population “along the lines used to settle the Jewish question in Germany.”[xi] Germany’s popular General Erwin Rommel was lionized in Arab lands, with people greeting each other with the salute: “Heil Rommel.” Although defeated before they were able to carry out their bloody work, a special unit of Rommel’s army was assigned the task of the murder of the resident Jewish population in Palestine. About 2,500 Tunisian Jews were exterminated by the Nazis there.[xii]

Among other terrorist entities, the Muslim Brotherhood begat Hamas. After WWII, the Brotherhood worked to destroy Israel. Jonathan Cahn puts it this way. Through the efforts of al Husseini, the Grand Mufti, “The demonic antisemitism of Nazism, merged with Arab nationalism and radical Islamic ideology. The demonic hatred of the Jews spread through the Arabic and Islamic world.” So here is the relationship between Nazism and Radical Islam: They share the same goal. That is, the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people. “The father of the Palestinian movement was an agent of Nazism.” He was paid by the Third Reich. He was the man who mentored and indoctrinated Yasser Arafat. Arafat was taught how to wage war against the Jews by a former Nazi commando. When Arafat came to power in the Palestine Liberation Organization, he hired German Nazis who had worked in the death camps to work with his Palestinians. It is interesting that the Mufti’s – and the Muslim Brotherhood’s most fertile location was in Gaza – the ancient seat of the Philistines, those ancient enemies of Israel.
Thus, there is a clear line running from Hitler through the Grant Mufti – through the Muslim Brotherhood – [which was found to be an “unindicted co-conspirator” in the aftermath of 911] – to Hamas. (HAMAS is an Arabic acronym for the Islamic Resistance Movement.) The Muslim Brotherhood also has connections to Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda.
Now, we hear the chants of the protestors, “We are Hamas!” What are they pledging allegiance to? Here is part of the Preamble to the original Hamas Charter. “Israel will exist and continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it. (Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory.)” That is the stated purpose of the organization. Addressing the Jews, this is what Article 22 of that same Charter says. “You shall be overcome and thrown into hell. This is the only way to liberate Palestine.” Here is Article 15 of the Hamas’ Charter of Allah. “I will assault and kill, assault and kill, assault and kill.” These are the words of the claimed Religion of Peace!
What we are witnessing are the events of a spiritual war. Satan hates the people of God, be they Christians or Jews. In Revelation 12 we read the account of how the “dragon” (Satan) – tries to destroy the “woman” (Israel) – and “to devour her Child – (Jesus Messiah) – as soon as it was born. She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her Child was caught up to God and His throne.” (Revelation 12:4-5) This results in more warfare in Heaven with Michael the Archangel victorious in God’s cause. The dragon comes after Israel again, but God preserves His people. The chapter ends with Satan going after the Christians, God’s remaining family on earth. “And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” (Revelation 12:17) For Satan and his cohorts, this is spiritual combat to the death. So, those that are committed to this cause are satanically possessed. You don’t negotiate with demons. You can’t!
Now, we pointed out that in Arabic, Hamas is an acronym. But in Hebrew it is a word – and it can be found in Scripture. It can be translated as “evil, violence & destruction.” In Psalm 40:1-2 it reads: “Deliver me Lord from evil men, from men of Hamas.” In Ezekiel: “Hamas has risen up into a rod of wickedness. (hamas)” (Ezekiel 7:11) Ezekiel 7:23: “For the land is filled with crimes of blood and the city is full of wickedness. (hamas) Finally, in Genesis 6:13 as rendered in the Hebrew Bible: “God said to Noah, ‘I have decided to put an end to all flesh, for the earth is filled with Hamas (lawless violence); because of them, I am about to destroy them with the earth.
When student protestors on a college campus chant “We are Hamas,” they are knowingly or unknowingly identifying with the ancient war against God’s People. They are taking their place with Haman who tried to wipe out the Israelites living in Persia as recorded in the Book of Esther. They are siding with Herod’s slaughter of the Innocents, the boys under two-years-of-age, in and around Jerusalem at the birth of Messiah. They are nodding assent to the expelling of Jews from Spain in 1492, the Russian pogroms and the Holocaust. Many of these students are clueless. Jonathan Cahn says, “Palestinians too have become pawns.”
So, in ignorance, they contribute to the lostness of the culture. Oblivious they advance the Evil. They know neither good nor evil. And they chase not what is true and noble and just and pure. [See Philippians 4:8] And it will be the triumph of Evil that will one day (soon) open the door to the Antichrist. “The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. (2Thessalonians 2:9-10) Father, we pray for these now, that you will pull lift the veil over their minds and pull them out of the fire before it is too late!
[i] Sick campus protesters called for beheading of school president with chants of ‘guillotine’, Daily Mail, May 8, 2024
[ii] Much of this drawn from a video by Jonathan Cahn, viewed May 7, 2024
[iii] Brad Polumbo, An Insane Number of Gen Zers Support Hamas’s Slaughter of Innocent Israelis, Newsweek, October 24, 2023
[iv] Jon Levine, Majority of Americans 18-24 think Israel should ‘be ended and given to Hamas’, New York Post, December 16, 2023
[v] UNIVERSITY STUDENT GROUPS IN NAZI GERMANY, US Holocaust Memorial Museum, viewed May 10, 2024,
[vi] Paul Longgrear & Raymond McNemar, The Arab / Muslim Nazi Connection, Middle East Digest, April / May 2000
[vii] Who was the Grand Mufti…, Palestine Facts, monitored September 2007
[viii] William Ziff, Rape of Palestine, pg 22, 1938
[ix] Paul Longgrear & Raymond McNemar, The Arab / Muslim Nazi Connection, Middle East Digest, April / May 2000
[x] Matthias Kuntzel, Jew-Hatred and Jihad, The Weekly Standard, September 17, 2007
[xi] Who was the Grand Mufti…, Palestine Facts, monitored September 2007
[xii] Jan Friedman, New Research Taints Image of Desert Fox Rommel, Der Spiegel, May 23, 2007
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