“And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you.” (Matthew 24:4)
“Professing to be wise, they became fools.” (Romans 1:22)
We are living in an Age of Deception & Folly. Even just a few years ago it would have been hard to fathom the depth of that deception that is going on out there. We are being lied to on a daily basis and as part of a regular program. And the culture is disintegrating in the process. Science has become whim. By our preference we make remake our nature – and then we demand that our foolishness be affirmed by the culture. Today we’ll give examples of both the dishonest nature of the society that has emerged as well as the irrational bent of the culture. To start with we’ll go back to a familiar if tiresome subject: Covid.
FRUIT OF THE VAX – UK Government data from the Office for National Statistics shows that “the fully vaccinated population accounted for 92% of Covid-19 deaths throughout the entirety of 2022, and 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths in England over the past two years.” Let those numbers sink in! The injections and boosters just made things worse. “There were 45,191 Covid-19 deaths in England between 1st April 2021 and 31st December 2022, and 38,884 of those deaths were among the fully vaccinated population, while just 6,307 deaths were among the unvaccinated.” That is a vaccine that is neither safe nor effective.[i]
The effects of the vaccine can be seen by looking at the excess deaths reported in countries that are highly vaccinated. The Cambridge Dictionary defines excess deaths as “deaths during a particular period above the usual, expected number of deaths under normal conditions, which can show the effect of something like a disease or harmful event.” So, it is excess deaths that point toward a smoking gun. A multi-sourced article by Dr William Makis that ran in both COVID Intel and Global Research lays out the evidence.
“All highly COVID-19 vaccinated countries and jurisdictions are seeing record excess deaths on the order of 1 per 1000 population in 2022.
- USA – 270,000 in 2022 (source: Ethical Skeptic, BMC Skidmore, USMortality.com)
- Germany – 103,000 in 2022 (source: German govt, OECD, EuroMOMO click here)
- UK – 54,000 in 2022 (source: BBC click here)
- Japan – 91,000 in 2022 (source: click here)
- Australia – 42,000 in 2022 (source: click here)
- Alberta – 4000 in 2022 (source: click here)”[ii]
So what’s behind all of this? It points to an ‘Agenda’ that has been part of the plan for some time now. In the past we’ve talked about the Deagel Corporation, which has been described as “a minor branch of US military intelligence.” It prepares briefings for the decision makers in the Deep State / US Government. Back in 2017 – and before – Deagel was predicting the collapse of Western nations in the areas of population, GDP and military capabilities by 2025. In 2014 it predicted our military spending would drop from $726 billion to $8 billion. Per capita GDP is projected to drop to $13,328 from its’ 2014 level of almost 53,000. The US population is predicted to go down to just under 100 million – all by 2025. That would be a loss of 68.5% over 2017 levels. And the Western Nations were to suffer a similar fate. I’m talking about countries like Canada, the UK, Germany, Australia, New Zealand. As the annual projections came out, the numbers got even worse. Deagel scrubbed the study from its’ website in 2021. Too much attention!
What’s the explanation? DEPOPULATION! It’s a real plan. As Stefan Stanford of ANP put it, “Barack Obama’s ebola ‘Czar,’ Ron Klain, had way back then called for ‘depopulation’ as the best ‘answer’ to the biggest problems our planet was facing, neglecting to tell anybody back then that ‘depopulation’ is also known as ‘genocide’ or ‘mass murder.’”[iii] The Covid Vax is one of the tools.
I want to be very clear here: The effects of the vaccine are VERY REAL & VERY PERSONAL! Let me give you two quick stories. The first is one of Sabine Wukovnig. She is a musician who got her shot at the beginning of 2022. What followed was tragic. “She is suffering from multiple injuries: neurological injuries of central nervous system (spike protein in the brain – brain fog, ME), POTS (injury of autonomous nervous system) due to an autoimmune process involving spike protein, and MCAS which is like having a severe allergic syndrome.”
Then there is the case of British Piano Teacher Julianna Bransden. She suffered catastrophic injuries beginning January 1st of 2023.
“Julianna was fully COVID-19 vaccinated. On Dec. 23, 2022 she developed flu like symptoms and on Jan. 1, 2023 she had two cardiac arrests, went into septic shock, multiple systemic organ failure, needing full life support.
She was diagnosed with sepsis resulting from an aggressive form of pneumonia. After weeks of fighting, she had to undergo surgery to amputate both of her legs below the knee and will lose most of her fingers.”[iv] The “Safe & Effective” deception comes with a real price.
THE CLIMATE CHANGE HOAX – Of course there is climate change. Around the year 1,000 Leif Ericson and the boys were harvesting wild, Mediterranean-like grapes from pretty far north in what is today Canada. That was during a period that climatologists call the Medieval Warm Period. Global warming, baby! A few centuries later we had the onset of the Little Ice Age. Stuff happens. Climate happens. But now, of course, we have the experts telling us all this change is due to Man-Made Climate Change. You know, too much D**n Carbon. The story is that carbon emissions are what is causing climate change. CO2 is the culprit. So, this article and video came out and claimed to have the evidence to “hoist” the woke-ist of the climate police on their own petard. It made some pretty astounding claims. So, I checked them out and did the research on what was said. There are sources for all that was said. I’ll pretty much lay it out the way it was presented….and then vouch for the material.
- In Canada, there is a carbon tax. People are to pay for their own emissions
- The idea is we are causing these problems by emitting CO2
- There are 318 billion trees in Canada
- One mature tree clears or absorbs 48 pounds of CO2 per year. This means 7.6 billion tons of CO2
- Now it is estimated that 545 million tons [of CO2] is produced in Canada every year, which means the trees in Canada – [and that’s not counting the other vegetation] – absorb 14 times more than the carbon emission of Canada
- If there’s no CO2 we are doomed. There cannot be life.
- There are 228 billion trees in the United States with the capacity to clean 5.47 billion tons of CO2 every year, and the US produces 5 billion tons of CO2
- Which means the trees only, absorb more than carbon emissions in the United States
- So, what are we talking about
- There are an estimated 3 trillion trees around the world
- Worldwide CO2 emissions is at 37 billion tons
- But the trees around the world absorb 72 billion which means the trees around the world have the capacity to absorb twice as much the carbon emission
- WAKE UP! There’s no CO2 problem
- There’s no carbon emission problem
- There’s no [man-made] climate change!
- Wake up people![v]
STUPID THINGS WITHOUT EXPLANATION – Some profess to be wise and become fools. “A male trans militant proclaiming womanhood issued a ‘call to arms’ to shoot and kill women, specifically ‘Christian’ and ‘conservative’ women, who object to sharing their bathroom facilities with men, threatening in a video statement to make real women ‘know what fear actually feels like.’” There is more…. “I do not fear Christians, I do not fear conservatives, I do not fear evangelicals and I do not fear Republicans.” Of course, this follows the murder of 6 Christians including 3 children by a Trans individual. Then there’s the case of Loudon, Virginia. “In Loudoun County, Virginia, a male high school student claiming to be “gender-fluid” was permitted to use the girls’ restroom under the school district’s pro-trans policies. This resulted in the ‘gender-fluid’ male becoming a serial rapist, donning a skirt as he attacked multiple young girls.”[vi]
PURE INSANITY – From HTR: “New York City will track the carbon footprint of residents’ food consumption as part of a sweeping initiative to decrease the city’s carbon emissions from food by a third this year, Mayor Eric Adams revealed on Monday…. The Mayor’s Office of Food Policy has ordered city agencies to reduce their food consumption by 33% by 2030, and Adams has asked private corporations to cut their own emissions by 25% by 2030, insisting New Yorkers’ wasteful eating habits cannot continue without imperiling the planet.” [Dammit, stop eating or we’re all going to die.”[vii]
[i] Pfizer Killed Your Friends & Family for Profit, The Expose, April 23, 2023
[ii] Dr William Makis, Record Excess Deaths in the Canadian Province of Nova Scotia, Global Research, April 24, 2023
[iii] Stefan Stanford, As ‘A Diabolical Experiment’ Is Carried Out…., ANP, April 23, 2023
[iv] Dr Willam Makis, Musicians Injured, Disabled or Killed by COVID-19 Vaccines, Global Research, April 25, 2023
[v] There is NO “Man-Made Climate Change”- Hal Turner Radio, April 23, 2023
[vi] ‘Call to Arms,’ National File, April 24,2023
[vii] IDIOCY, Hal Turner Radio, April 24, 2023
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